Someone once said God yielded a bit of His sovereignty to man that is why we have freewill and can do whatever we want; after all we have brains and wisdom, he argued. That is a very faulty, deceptive and dangerous assumption. When God created mankind, He made us His ambassadors, deputy authorities, and deputy sovereigns upon the face of the earth. He told man to have dominion over every life form on the earth and subdue it. Man had his marching orders and mode of operation, he didn’t need the permission of God to operate. That was why man could name the animals without seeking permission from God to see if the names fit! The Bible says: “…And whatever the man called a living creature that was its name” (Genesis 2:19b). Even when the female came, the male part of man named her ‘woman’ because she was taken out of man. God did not dispute this. In fact God approved everything man did because man was speaking out the mind of God at every turn. Remember, man was deput...
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