Have you signed on to the Lord's Team or you are on the enemy's team? Our call as sons of God is to showcase the glory of God to a dying world. We know this because the Bible tells us: "The whole universe that God has made now waits for something great to happen. Everything is waiting with hope to find out who God's children are" (Romans 8:19, EASY). This means the whole world is waiting for the true members of the Lord's Team to be revealed. Members that are loyal and committed to the goal of displaying the light of His glory in every sphere of life. Why is this so? The Bible tells us it is because: "Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth..." (Isaiah 60:2a, NLT).
Beloved, look around you! It looks like the whole world is on a maddening spiral down a crazy rabbit hole. Principles of life we hold dear as humans no longer mean anything. Life has become cheap and expendable at every cause and excuse. Governments and policymakers of the day make policies and laws that negate the natural laws of God. Good is consistently being painted as evil! And we are seeing the devilish principle of the enemy being played out: as the worldly saying goes, when a lie is repeated long enough, it begins to have a semblance of truth... All these are geared towards taking out the man from his place on the Lord's team!
Sadly, many of these erroneous beliefs have crept into the pulpit. Many are even calling for the rewrite of God's Word so it could suit the evil narrative of darkness! As a result, many have become lazy and lackadaisical in their faith and their walk with God.
Some people can look at a football game and determine the direction it is going; who should play which position and the statistics of each game at the drop of a hat; yet such are in a state of confusion in regards to their walk with God and the trajectories of their lives, yet they claim to be sons of God! Peter understood the "glance" of Jesus! Do you understand the "look" and "glance" of Jesus Christ? Don't be deceived, you cannot bribe or deceive God: "But the firm foundation of God has written upon it these two inscriptions: “The Lord God recognizes those who are truly His!” and, “Everyone who worships the name of the Lord Jesus must forsake wickedness!” (2 Timothy 2:19, TPT).
Everything God does is to display and showcase His glory - Who He is, so man without excuse can return to his relationship with the Creator of the Universe: "Because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse" (Romans 1:19).
Each person is designed by God to display His glory...that is our purpose within His purpose! Just like in a football team, each player has his part to play, so do we all have a part to play in the Lord's team towards His program and agenda for His creation, especially in these times! For instance, Abraham was called so that he will teach his children to follow God. Moses was raised to lead God's children out of Egypt and start them on a journey to serve God acceptably. Hannah was positioned to birth a child that will anoint kings, Mary positioned to bear the Divine Seed... Beloved, have you sat down to know your place and position on the team? Or the thought had never crossed your mind?
Many in the Body go about their daily living as if they were raised to be 'seat fillers'. People that pass through a place without the place they occupied acknowledge their presence or impact after they are gone! Many live to only acquire the honour and wealth that this world has to offer. They forget and lack the understanding that they have an eternal purpose for living at the time they do. Such a man is likened to a beast that has no understanding: "A man who is in honour yet does not understand, Is like the beasts that perish" (Psalms 49:20).
If there was ever a time to hold on to God, to know one's place on His team, it is this time. Like Jacob, we must hold on to Him until He blesses us. And Beloved, the blessing is not of riches but of knowing who we are and our place on His team. It was only when Jacob did this, that a tremendous shift came in his life...his purpose as it were! He not only birthed the twelve princes of God like Jacob, but his prophecies into their lives as Israel positioned them for their destinies: "Come and listen, you sons of Jacob; listen to Israel, your father" (Genesis 49:2, NLT).
Beloved, that which is in your hand to do, how have you fared and how are you faring? It is not until you go on outreaches and speak to millions of people, or have a ministry that reaches to a hundred...but in your little corner where you stand at the door of the House of God, or you clean the chairs, the toilets, sing in the choir or manage the children in Sunday School, play or manage the instrument and equipment of the Church, how have you fared? How faithful are you in those duties to the Lord? In your office, your school, the marketplace, the neighbourhood you live in, how are you faring? Do you showcase that you play for and belong to the Team of God or you are for the enemy? Don't be deceived, in this game, the only Spectator is God and His host. You are either playing for God's team or the devil's team, there are no sidelines or reserved seats!
Finally, stand up, open your eyes and move, do it with the whole of your heart and mind, for your eternal destination depends on it! “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work" (Revelation 22:12). God bless you as you ponder these words, in Jesus Christ name!
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