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A Contrary DNA

       Is it possible for one to be good, and live a good life of integrity, truth and love without the power of the Holy Spirit? Many seem to think it is possible. That is why such are quick to occupy the seats of judge, jury and executioner over their fellows. 
     A young man once shouted down a preacher for preaching holiness and right living. The young man felt the preacher was a hypocrite for suggesting to his listeners to give their lives to Jesus Christ so they can live lives of righteousness, integrity, truth and love. The young man believed that every human has the innate ability to do so without the help of an invisible God. To the young man, God was cruel to make people live dismal lives instead of enjoying themselves. 
      Apostle Paul made a declaration in the Bible that makes us understand that the ability to be good and righteous is not innate in man without the help of the Lord Jesus Christ. The laws (commandments) of God are great but they awaken a desire in an unregenerated man's heart to break the laws: "So, what shall we say about all this? Am I suggesting that the law is sinful? Of course not! It was the law that gave us a clear definition of sin. For example, when the law said, “Do not covet,” it became the catalyst to see how wrong it was for me to crave what belongs to someone else. It was through God’s commandment that sin was awakened in me and built its base of operation within me to stir up every kind of wrong desire" (Romans 7:7-8a, TPT). 
       When the man and woman fell to the antics of the devil, a rebellion arose inside of them to want things outside of God. This same rebellion still resides in the heart and minds of people that are yet or struggle to surrender to the LORD Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul declared: "I once lived without a clear understanding of the law, but when I heard God’s commandments, sin sprang to life and brought with it a death sentence. The commandment that was intended to bring life brought me death instead" (Romans 7:9-10, TPT). Adam and the woman in the Garden may have thought the command of God not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil would be easy to keep. I bet they couldn't fathom any situation where they will break the instruction of God. However, when satan in the guise of the serpent came to them, a rebellion against God's instruction arose in them. And the result was an expulsion from the Presence of God!
     If Jesus Christ had not come to die and redeem mankind from this terrible bondage to sin, it would have been impossible, no matter how much man desires to live a righteous, holy and pleasing life to God! The reason being the rebellion that took place in the Garden is locked into the DNA of the human: An unnatural instinct to go against the things of God. 
       Like Paul, so many desire to live good lives but the ability to do so is not within them: "For I know that nothing good lives within the flesh of my fallen humanity. The longings to do what is right are within me, but willpower is not enough to accomplish it. My lofty desires to do what is good are dashed when I do the things I want to avoid" (Romans 7:18-19, TPT). Sadly, it is the same with so many amazing children of God that never felt they could go against the LORD they had received into their hearts, in certain situations beyond their control, rebelled against the LORD of their lives, though they are 'seemingly' still in His Presence! These are so quick to malign and destroy their fellow brethren for any just cause! The teaching of Christ that through our love for one another, we will prove to the world that we are His disciples had fallen on deaf and calloused hearts! 
       Back to our opening thought; indeed there is a desire in so many to want to do good and live right, but the rebellion locked in man makes it impossible. The young man earlier that was heckling the Preacher was on his way to a bar, where he would get drunk, and find a lady that is not his wife to lay with. The next day, he will wake up hating himself and telling himself he would not do that again. A couple of days later, he will repeat the cycle. So many are trapped in this merry-go-round of life. Beloved, the cycle cannot be broken by an innate desire in your heart because the rebellion is locked in the DNA. 
       We must purge our DNA of this rebellion: "So, my Christian friends, we must not obey what our weak human thoughts tell us to do. We no longer have to live like that. If you agree to live in that way, you will die. Instead, you should let God's Spirit help you with his power. Then you can stop doing the wrong things that your bodies want to do. As a result, you will have a life with God" (Romans 8:12-13, EASY). 
       Beloved, you might claim to be Born Again, thank God for your life! But if you live in a cyclical limbo of falling into sin and rising again, then there is a problem with the nature you carry! Paul was so wrapped up in the law and in keeping it, unfortunately, the law only kept awakening sin in him. He realised if he continued on that path, he would die and be eternally separated from God. Beloved, the only One that can rescue humanity from this terrible dilemma is Jesus Christ: "Wretched and miserable man that I am! Who will [rescue me and] set me free from this body of death [this corrupt, mortal existence]? Thanks are to God [for my deliverance] through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 7:24-25a, AMP)! 
      This follows that we must live unconditionally for Him, not live astride the world and Him. When we realise this and surrender to Him, we are told: "So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One" (Romans 8:1, TPT). We shed the nature of the rebellious DNA for His nature! 
      As we walk with and grow in Him daily, a transformation begins to take place in our lives - we begin to look like Him because His nature is NOW locked in our DNA: "No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because God’s seed [His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character] remains [permanently] in him [who is born again—who is reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose]; and he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him" (1 John 3:9, AMP). May the LORD strengthen you and pour His Grace upon you as you look to Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith, in Jesus Christ name, Amen. God bless you.


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