As children of God, we have not been made so, so we could live as we please. The mantra that you are free to make it at all costs no matter what (then the funny caveat at the end) as long as it pleases God, has taken over most of the Body of Christ. Many congregants are taught many principles for the 'successful' quest for success and wealth! Principles of God are manipulated to combine the principles of the world and flesh: A quest for wealth and Pleasure! They sound so good that many gobbled down these principles and are now running with them.
This was the same scenario that played out during the time of Noah, just before the flood! Many today have lost their way; the line between the godly and ungodly is getting blurrier by the day: "The [population of the] earth was corrupt [absolutely depraved—spiritually and morally putrid] in God’s sight, and the land was filled with violence [desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and lust for power]. God looked on the earth and saw how debased and degenerate it was, for all humanity had corrupted their way on the earth and lost their true direction" (Genesis 6:11-12, AMP). Every Scripture, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22:21 is Truth! And it has been given to us to successfully navigate this dark world and to illustrate and demonstrate the light and power of God!
The account of the Tree of Good and Evil is to make us understand that seemingly good fruit is not necessarily godly! Without the insight of God, one would fall into the traps of the enemy. One must understand that a fruit from such a tree can never be good but only pretend to be. Because the roots are evil! We must understand that in the Kingdom of God, what we are (our character), what we know, and what we do matters! Because it affects and determines our decision-making process! It equally impacts where and how we would spend eternity to come!
Let us see an example in the Scriptures. The Gospel of John 21 opens thus: "Simon Peter, and Thomas who is called Didymus (the twin), and Nathanael from Cana of Galilee, as well as [John and James] the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said, “And we are coming with you.” So they went out and got into the boat; and that night they caught nothing" (John 21:2-3, AMP). Master Jesus had been crucified and had risen just as He told them. He has appeared to them severally to tell them He is real and all that He had taught them is true! Yet we find these seven men decide they are returning to the lives they lived before they met Jesus. What did they discuss, how did they arrive at such a conclusion of returning to their past lives despite all they had witnessed? These were men who testified that Jesus is truly the Son of God! What could have happened to them? Sadly, not one of them could call the others to reason, not even Nathanael! Thank God that Jesus interrupted their madness before it went too far.
Many today that have been sent by God to disciple men and bring many sons and daughters to the Feet of the Master are preoccupied with mundane things that will neither advance the Kingdom of God but only help to maintain the status quo, just as the devil wants it! These convince themselves that they are doing some good! The Bible tells us: "Your new life began when the Holy Spirit gave you a new birth. Why then would you so foolishly turn from living in the Spirit by trying to finish by your own works" (Galatians 3:3, TPT)?
You started so well. Your insights into God's Word helped many to find the Path of God, and many to walk and remain on it. What happened to you? Now you have watered down the Fire and Power that God had put inside of you by dumbing down God's Word! Beloved, if you are in these shoes, I plead with you, by the mercies of God to remember 'what' you are, and return to your first love: "But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for Me at the beginning. Think about how far you have fallen! Repent and do the works of love you did at first. I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place of influence if you do not repent" (Revelation 2:4-5, TPT).
Finally, Beloved, you have and still call Him LORD! That is Good!, But that is just a title! It is time to MAKE Him LORD over your life - complete reign over all that concerns you. Jesus Christ is COMING! What will He find you doing? Will He find you faithful in that which you were created for? Will He see you because you look LIKE Him? Remember, What you are (Character), What you know, and What you do MATTERS to the Kingdom of God! May God help us remember, and where necessary, return to our FIRST Love, which is JESUS CHRIST before it is too late! God bless you!
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