The heart is the innermost part of a person, it is the center of decision making and feelings. It is the seat of unresolved issues of your life that needs changing. For these issues to be resolved, the heart must be changed. So many want the issues of their lives to be resolved without a corresponding change to their hearts. This is not possible! Our God is not sentimental, neither is He a switch that you switch on and off as your mood dictates. The Bible tells us that above everything else, we must guard our hearts diligently. No matter what you do, if your heart is not changed your condition will not change.
When your heart condition is right you will pray better, a better giver, an all-round better person. Psalm 1:1-3 gives us the portrait of the heart of a man. According to the Scripture, when you try to please the world yet involved in the things of God, you have become a hypocrite and actually walking in the counsel of the ungodly! Maybe you enjoy sin for a moment, swinging any time it suits you, such is standing in the way of sinners! Pretending to serve God but actually doing it for a particular reason, Heaven regards you as scornful! Such a person cannot bear lasting fruits neither will he see nor recognize prosperity when it comes. But the one that diligently guards his heart by focusing on and tapping on the mercies of God will flourish like a palm tree in the Courts of God. One cannot deceive God; you only end up deceiving your soul. The Bible tells us that with our hearts we believe and with our mouths confession is made to salvation; however, if you confess and you do not believe, you are a hypocrite and only deceive yourself. Your heart condition is actually the man you are and that is the picture Heaven sees. After a while we will see it too.
Like David we must surrender and declare “Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” Psalm 86:11. How do we do this? In Ezekiel 44:1-2, the Lord tells us to shut the gate to the temple because He has entered through; it must REMAIN shut. We are the Temple of God and our hearts are the gates. No foreigners (verse 6-8) are allowed to come in as they will pollute our sacrifices and services to the Lord. We need to be diligent in guarding our hearts so as not to allow foreigners in whatever form to come in. Peradventure they have, we must purge our hearts of them immediately. The grace to do this is released unto you in Jesus Name.
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