Mankind is slowly drawing to the end of the ages. It does not matter what the proponents of evolution say, all that the Lord said will take place by the close of the ages are beginning to happen. We can literary see the prophesied events of the end time coming to pass as written in the Scriptures. With all that is happening around us, this is the time for people to reassess themselves and reevaluate their beliefs. As children of God, this is the time to continually examine who we are in Christ and what our stand is in Him. Christ is not coming for men that are WITH Him but men that are IN Him. Where exactly are you? IN HIM or WITH HIM? This is a crucial question we must answer if we intend to escape the corruption and destruction that is fast taking over the world.
Mark 4:35-5:1 opens with the fact that evening had COME. Friend, whether you agree or not we are in the evening season. In fact, the night is far spent and the coming of Jesus Christ is not just near but HERE. There is a need therefore to cross over to the side of the Lord. We must leave the shores of faithlessness, unfaithfulness, procrastinations, questionings and indecisiveness. The Bible tells us that the Lord told His disciples they should cross over to the other side. Friend this is not a call for mere Believers but for Believers that have chosen to be Disciples of Christ. Are you just a Believer or a Disciple? The Bible says Jesus and His disciples left the crowd (of Believers) and entered a boat. There were many boats WITH Him but Christ entered one, and that was the Boat the disciples were in. The Disciples did not presume that if He enters a boat other than the one they were in they would get to the desired shore, thus, they took Him with them. How many times have we presumed that Jesus is in a relationship, job, journey, business, associations, fellowships and we embarked on it? Only to find out to our dismay that He was never in it from the beginning? One would have thought with Christ in the boat, the storms would be afraid to come near, but they did and they beat the boat so hard that it was swamping. This is the time we must be sure if Jesus Christ is in us or we are just with Him; if we don't the storms will make it evident.
Praise God that they cried out to Him and He rescued them. The fact that Christ is in you does not mean you should presume that everything will be smooth sailing. That would be a very dangerous assumption indeed! God desires a constant relationship with us. A relationship based on the fact that He IS our vital need for every aspect of our lives. One of the things the Lord would want us to see in this account is that by chapter 5:1, only the boat He was IN made it to the other side. The other boats were not heard of again. There was no way they could have survived the storms without Christ in their boats. Friend, this is the time to take a decisive step by making sure that Jesus Christ is IN your boat so as not to drown in the waters, wind and storms of the world. Friend, invite Him into your boat, He is waiting. Once He is inside, have a vibrant and living relationship with Him, then you will survive the storms that are besetting your boat right now!
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