It is such an amazing discovery to see that
the vessel that God used to bring peace to the troubled heart of Pharaoh was a
man who was passing through severely troubling times himself. Joseph though was
in prison yielded to the quiet training of God and was considered fit and
qualified to stand before the King. This is the call for every true son and daughter
of God in the midst of these troubling times when nations, corporate
organizations, governments, communities, families and individuals are seeking
for answers of peace. Friend, can you see that God is teaching you something even
in the midst of what you are going through? One vital lesson Joseph learned
from his dire circumstances was humility. He learnt to give glory to God for what
was done in his life, acknowledging that it was not of him but of God. Too many
of God’s children take credit for things God reveals to them as if it were revealed
to them by themselves. Before Joseph interpreted the dream for the baker and
the butler, he told them that interpretations belong to God, after the interpretation
he added from the flesh “remember me when
all goes well with you” Genesis 40:6-14). This may seem like an honest
request but what was the result? When we try to add flesh to the things of the
Spirit we do not get the desired result. Joseph adding flesh to the gift of God
resulted in him be forgotten for two full years! When he was later called upon
to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, he did it selflessly and God rewarded him by
making the second in command to Pharaoh.
Another lesson Joseph learned from his dire
consequences was his ability to encourage himself. This was the reason he was
able to discern the sadness in others and had the desire to help them by
ministering to them (Genesis 40:1-7). He did not allow what he was going
through unjustly weigh him down by affecting his outlook on life. Equally, we saw
that in the next two years he was in the prison, he had grown from looking at his
abilities to focusing on God. How do we know this? Remember, to the butler and
the baker he said “do not interpretations
belong to God? Tell me your dreams”, but when told by Pharaoh that he had
abilities to interpret dreams, he replied: “it
is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace” (Genesis 41:15-16).
We can clearly see his self-confidence in the statement he made to the butler
and the baker and his spiritual maturity when answering Pharaoh concerning his
abilities to interpret dreams, this transformation took a journey. There are many
who believe God has left them because of what they are passing through, they
look for self-help ways to get out. If only such would open their hearts and
look deeper into God’s word, they would see God is closer to them than they
think. Though Joseph through his experiences gained the necessary
qualifications to stand before Pharaoh, I believe the greatest gain for him was
knowing God in a way he never would
have known Him if he were to remain in his father Jacob’s house. Do you know
that what you get to know about God by experience you get to keep for eternity?
To truly walk in the profession of being the light and salt of the earth we
must pattern our thoughts and manner of living according to Hebrews 12:15,
which tell us to take out all bitter roots as it defiles the living water
flowing from our bellies. It does not matter who did the hurting or the
circumstances surrounding the hurt; like Joseph, we must let go and be able to
give answers of peace to those that are hurting beside us. Friend, hurts,
either legitimately or illegitimately has stopped so many from pressing into
what God has called them to do or be. When we let go and get rid of the bitter
root, then like Joseph we will be well positioned to bring an answer of peace
to a sick and dying world. The grace to
do this is released to you in Jesus name. God bless you.
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