idea of living for Christ is meant to be a reality in our lives: A moment to
moment living that brings pleasure and honor to God. If we have truly
surrendered our lives to Him, we cannot afford to live as we please as this
will only yield sorrow and pain down the line; but each moment should be lived in
such a manner that it brings Him pleasure. This line of thought negates the
teachings of living for ourselves: Perfecting strategies to help us live and ‘acquire’
the world and the things in it! This teaching opens the door to the glorification
of self and carnality above the worship of the True God in selflessness and
sacrifice. We are meant to overcome the world and the things in the world not
to be overcome by it. However, this will not happen by a single act but on a
moment to moment basis. The Bible tells us to walk as wise people who continually
understand what the will of God is (Ephesians 5:15-16). Thus, the life of God
we live is not meant to be lived for our pleasure, but to bring glory and honor
to Him on a moment by moment basis.
In reality, life is a string of moments,
and a moment of indiscretion can mar the rest of the moments! For instance, a
momentary indiscretion in the life of Moses cost him the Promised Land. Momentary
indiscretions in the life of Demas marred his walk with God as he lost his
focus. The Bible is abound with so many examples of people that momentary
indiscretions cost them their blessings and true walk with God. As children of
God, we cannot afford momentary anger, rage, pride, arrogance and the likes
cast a shadow upon our walk with God. When the Holy Spirit points this indiscretion
to us, we should not make excuses for it by explaining it away but we must
humbly make amends immediately and we will be forgiven: “If we confess our sins He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our
sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1John 1:9). Don’t get
carried away with teachings that say ‘once forgiven, one is forever forgiven no
matter what one does thereafter’. Meaning the forgiveness one had received on
the onset of coming to Christ covers any infractions thereafter! As a result of
such teaching, many are walking in arrogance, pride and licentiousness. Such
teachings are not from God as they turn congregants’ attention away from God
but to themselves. Friend, since our lives are a string of moments, we will do
well to: “Pay careful attention, then, to
how you walk – not as unwise people but as wise – making the most of the time
(moments), because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16, emphasis mine).
May your mind continually depend on the Lord to make a success of all your moments
upon the face of the earth and to reign with Him thereafter in Jesus Christ name. “You will keep in perfect peace the mind that is dependent on You”
(Isaiah 26:3). God bless you.
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