“For to those who are perishing the message of the cross is
foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is God’s power” (1Corinthians
A young man wore a huge gold chain with an equally huge gold
cross pendant. It looked beautiful, ostentatious and loud. Looking at it, it
was like a huge billboard declaring the faith of the wearer and the fact that
he feels a sense of pride in brandishing the cross pendant in the face of the
devil. It was beautiful to behold, if not for the words that were coming out of
his mouth. Each sentence was punched and laced with expletives and foul
language. The contrast of what he was wearing to what was coming out of his
mouth was incredible. At that moment, I felt aghast that he could wear such a
beautiful piece of jewelry symbolizing Christ’s suffering, yet he could carry
on in the manner he was doing. So many wear the cross to either showcase their
faith or as an ornament. Some equally wear it as a form of protection against the
forces of darkness. Christians believe it is a symbol of the suffering and
death of Christ and so some truly wear it as a reminder of what Jesus Christ
did on the cross for mankind. However, as a Christian, whether you wear it as
an ornament or not, since it is central to our faith, do you understand the
message it carries?
It is not enough to believe it, there must be an
accompanying understanding. It is good to believe, as a Christian that the
message of the cross is central to who you are as a child of God. However, do
you understand the ramifications of what the cross truly means? Jesus Christ
did not go to the cross so we can wear it as an ornament or even a testament of
our faith; but He went to the cross so that the understanding of the act will change
and transform our lives for the better. You cannot claim to understand the
message of the cross and you are still eating from the table of idols whilst
claiming to belong to God. You cannot claim to understand the message of the
cross whilst your thinking and actions are contrary to the Word of God. Don’t
be deceived: Believing in the cross does not change who you are or where you
will spend eternity but understanding the message and allowing it to impact
your life will change you with the assurance of spending eternity with Christ!
“Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, having this inscription: The
Lord knows those who are His, and everyone who names the name of the Lord must
turn away from unrighteousness” (2Timothy 2:19). The cross of Christ is a
reminder of the love of God for us and a reminder for us to live lives that are
worthy of Him! After all, it is not about you, but about HIM! God bless you.
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