A young man was cut down in his prime by a drunken driver. His
death was painful, as he left a young wife and two little children. During his
wake-keep, everyone declared how good, generous, loving and religious he was. The
minister concluded his message by declaring that though he didn’t have much
personal contact with the deceased, but from all the testimonies given, he
strongly believes that the deceased had gone to be with the Lord! This
conclusion is what is usually arrived at when a person passes on irrespective
of how such lived. Most testimonies are barefaced lies as you see relations,
neighbors and colleagues wince when such accolades are passed. Question…do the deceased
make heaven based on the testimonies people gave about them? According to the
principles of the world, one should not speak ill of the dead. Thus, on that
day, they are all seen as saints on their merry way to Heaven. If only that
were true!
There is a reason why the Bible tells us: “It is better to go to a house where there is mourning than to a home
where there is a party, because the living should always remind themselves that
death is waiting for us all” (Ecclesiastes 7:2, GNB). There are great
lessons to be learnt in such events. Our making Heaven is not based on the
testimonies of those we had dealings with on earth but how we pleased God in
these dealings; what were our motives; do our heart condition tally with what
we portray on the outside? Friend don’t be deceived, a day of reckoning is
coming; no amount of well 'intentioned' RIPs and great testimonies of men will
sway the final destination for our souls. Jesus Christ gave a warning when He
said: “For I tell you, unless your
righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 5:20). What did He
mean, you may ask? The Pharisees and scribes were hypocrites and false in their
dealings. They had a reputation: “…On the
outside you seem to be righteous, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness”
(Matthew 23:28).
Friend, the devil has no problem with you bearing a semblance
of righteousness: Say the right things, preach God’s word, go for evangelism,
prophesy, go to Church, be a Church worker and the likes. The problem he has is
with you practicing what you profess! So many erroneously believe that because
they do all these things and more, without actually living them, they are
automatically sons of God on their merry way to Heaven. Unfortunately, the life
they profess to have is not real but a placebo life in Christ. A Placebo Christian
life is a simulated and an ineffectual life that deludes the person into believing
that he is actually living a life of Christ! Such life will not lead the man to
Heaven, rather make him a worthy candidate of hell! If your heart and mind does
not tally with what you portray on the outside you are a hypocrite and the life
you claim to have is a Placebo one: “May
the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You,
Lord, my rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). So many will arrive at the
gates of hell arguing that they don’t deserve to be there because of what they
had done: “On that day many will say to
Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your
name, and do many miracles in Your name?’ Then I will announce to them, ‘I
never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers!’” (Matthew 7:22-23).
Friend, the greatest injury we can do to ourselves is to delude ourselves into
thinking we are actually living the real life. A day will come when all masks
of pretense will be stripped away and there will be no cheerleaders to cheer us on as we stand
before the King of kings. It is time to do a re-check to make sure that the
light we profess to carry is true and our lifestyles are in consonance with
what we say and preach. God bless you!
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