Having a conversation with a brother the other day
concerning the goings on in Christendom set me thinking. I came to the fearful
conclusion (because I have had several conversations on same subject with many
others) that so many do not really know the God of the Bible they claim to
serve. Fearfully and humbly, I am of the opinion that all of Creation,
especially the Body of Christ will be in great shock when the Lord Jesus Christ
returns because so many things that have been allowed and taken for
granted may not really be His will after
all. In wanting to have a convenient relationship ‘with benefits’ with God
Almighty through Jesus Christ, so many have opened their hearts to destructive
and delusional teachings that negate the truth of God even when such ‘truth’ is
glaringly filled with holes for them to see: “For God’s wrath is revealed from Heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness
of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be
known about God is evident among them because God has shown it to them…instead,
their thinking became nonsense, and their senseless minds were darkened”
(Romans 1:18-19, 21b).
Back to the conversation I had with the brother. He went
on and on about how God will and must punish some Church leaders for leading astray
and fleecing the sheep. God will indeed punish erring Church leaders and all
others for their wrong doing because He had said so (Revelation 22:11-12). However,
what manner of people/sheep are we to be then? Are we to sit down and castigate
those that we feel should know but are not acting it or to abstain from the
Church of the Lord altogether? For instance, someone once said atheists are garnering more
converts especially among young Christian people because of the failings of the
Church. Beloved, no matter how much we try to vilify or justify what is going
on in the Church, it does not stop the Lord from what He is doing and what He is set
to do at the close of time: “Look! I am
coming quickly, and My reward is with Me to repay each person according to what
he has done” (Revelation 22:12). Beloved, not only for Church leaders, but for EVERYONE!
The Bible says concerning Samuel’s sons
(whom he appointed as Judges over Israel because of his old age): “However, his sons did not walk in his ways –
they turned toward dishonest gain, took bribes and perverted justice”
(1Samuel 8:3). So many feel betrayed by not only the Church but by the political
class as well. The elders came together, as so many are declaring because of
these betrayals: “…Look, you are old, and
your sons do not follow your example. Therefore, appoint a king to judge us the
same as all the other nations” (1Samuel 8:5). Now, children of God compare
themselves to unbelievers, even compare their countries to nations that are actively
denying Jesus Christ; but because these people and the nations are doing so
well, then whatever they are doing must be right. One could understand the
argument of Israel's elders; after all, the sons of Samuel were rogues just
like the sons of Eli were before them. But their rejection of these judges was
actually a rejection of the sovereignty of God over them.
Beloved, it is true
that most of our Church leaders have failed the Body, but we must not because
of that reject the rule of Jesus Christ in our lives by questioning our faith
and actively disobeying His Word. Beloved, on that day no person will have an
excuse when such stands before the King of kings to give account of his/her
days on earth. When Nebuchadnezzar felt he was what he was by his might, God
answered him and he couldn’t talk back or give an explanation for his pride.
Likewise, when Job felt justified in his own eyes, he was silenced when he
heard the rebuke of the Lord and he had no excuse. Beloved, same thing, on that
DAY, no man will have an excuse to justify his actions and words. Therefore, don’t
allow the attitude and character of people in authority in the Church turn your
heart against God by going contrary to His Word; rather like the children of
Israel during the days of the corrupt priests Hophni and Phinehas, choose to
continue to serve, love and honor the Lord with your strength and might. Imagine
if Elkanah and Hannah had held back from worshipping and serving God because of
the corrupt practices of the Priests, they would not have had Samuel. What a
loss it would have been for them and the people of Israel! Therefore, stand
your ground in God's Word: “So don’t throw away your
confidence, which has a great reward. For you need endurance, so that after you
have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews
10:35-36). God bless you.
Its important we understand That our lives and service to the Lord should not be gauged or motivated by the performance of men.