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Push, Because Giving Up Is Not An Option

       I had a hilarious conversation with a sister some time ago about Prophets and prophecies. While discussing issues about our Nation, she announced out of the blue that she would be avoiding prophetic meetings henceforth. As this was not the subject of our discussion, I was intrigued and asked why. She retorted, 'the Lord never sends them to give a direct word to me'. ‘What do you mean?’ I replied. ‘Well’ she replied, ‘the preaching is a direct word to everyone seated, but that word of knowledge that is said to others has never been said to me’! The most vexing part for her is sometimes she invites people to the meetings. They get direct ‘thus says the Lord’, but for her, nothing! Her conclusion from this is that God has simply forgotten her or her case is irredeemable! Oh wow! This threw me and I dived back into the Scriptures to ‘see’ what the Lord was saying concerning this issue. 
        Let’s consider two very distinct characters in the Bible that had two very contrasting responses from God. In 1Kings 11:29-39 we meet Jeroboam, whom God had raised to overthrow the house of David and rule over ten tribes of Israel. This was so because Solomon did evil in the sight of God and his son was foolish enough to have listened to his peers, thereby losing the ten tribes to Jeroboam. Going through the story, Jeroboam was not of the lineage of kings and he was an Ephraimite. Meaning, no matter how much he could have wished to be king, it would never happen! Being a king was far from his mind and it was not on his prayer list. However, the Lord sent the Prophet Ahijah to go anoint him king over the ten tribes of Israel. Please understand that Jeroboam neither prayed for this nor did he have a vision concerning it. Grace, the unmerited favor of God, met him and blessed him, not because he was the most qualified, capable or he deserved it, but it just pleased God to make him king. 
       The second character is the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34. This was a terrible and shaming ailment. She had spent all she had, and nothing helped rather the ailment got worse. When she heard about Jesus, she took action: “For she said, ‘If I can touch His robes, I’ll be made well!’ Instantly her flow of blood ceased, and she sensed in her body that she was cured of her affliction” (Mark 528-29, Emphasis mine). Unlike Jeroboam, Jesus didn't lay hands on her, look at her or called her forward to be healed. Her persistence drew her to Him and her faith drew out her healing! 
       It may look as if some have it very easy: Before they pray answers come, just as it happened for Jeroboam. That does not mean God cares less or has forgotten about you. For instance, when Jesus was hungry, as God, He had the power to turn stones to bread. Rather, He told the devil man must not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.  All these things God allowed to happen for His glory: “Jesus answered, It was not that this man or his parents sinned, but he was born blind in order that the workings of God should be manifested (displayed and illustrated) in him” (John 9:3, AMP). Beloved, rather than second guess your faith by comparing yourself to the Sauls, Jeroboams, Jehus, Hazael and so many others, continue to push until you touch His garment and your faith draws out your miracle! Understand this, God knows and sees you, just as He knew and saw the woman. As she was made whole, so would you, in Jesus Christ name! Beloved, giving up is not an option. God bless you!


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