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Showing posts from 2024

Clean Out The Closets Of Your Heart

       So many in the Body of Christ have become proficient in either mixing their traditions with God's Word or substituting their traditions for God's Word. One must be discerning in these times to recognise the differences and run from them so as not to be ensnared by them!         I can only imagine how pained the LORD Jesus Christ was when he replied to the Pharisees and Scribes when they complained that His Disciples were not diligently following the traditions of the elders as they do: " He replied, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites (play-actors, pretenders), as it is written [in Scripture], ‘These people honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. They worship Me in vain [their worship is meaningless and worthless, a pretense], Teaching the precepts of men as doctrines [giving their traditions equal weight with the Scriptures].’ You disregard and neglect the commandment of God, and cling [faithfully] to t...

What Did You Receive?

       Many think the life of being a Born Again Christian is a life that will improve their present life, magically disappear all that ails them and catapult them to the centre or zenith of their desires. This is not true! Sadly, in this present dispensation, so many are preoccupied with themselves, for themselves and after themselves.         Beloved, have you ever pondered on what will happen after the curtain falls and you bow out of this present world, where will your eternal abode be? Have you ever considered if the content of what you believe in will grant you a place in eternity with God? Would He appreciate and reward us for our daily fleshly pursuits, our desire to be better 'though we fall several times a day', the relentless pursuit of our goals but spending less time in knowing Him or 'striving' to know Him more? What do you think the verdict will be?        "It was for you first of all that God raised up His ...

It Is Time To Raise A Cry For Nigeria!

  "The voice said, “Cry out!” And he said, “What shall I cry?” “All flesh is grass, And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:6-8).         Listening to a brother detailing how Nigeria will be great again because it was foretold decades ago, I quieted down in my spirit to listen to him. According to him, the prophecies of old say that Nigeria will become a beacon of God's light to the rest of the world as they carry His Word to the rest of the world, especially in Africa. He enumerated the many qualities of Nigeria, especially the spiritual significance of her position within the continent of Africa. She will be used by God to trigger the last move of revival in the last days, he continued.         I listened attentively,...

A Tale of Simon The Sorcerer

       The desire of God for us is to go into every nook and cranny of the world with the Good News, calling people to repentance and making disciples of all men! Every tool we need to do this successfully has been given to us. As we see the imminent return of our LORD Jesus Christ, it is sad to note that there are many who have crept into the fold, claiming to be disciples but are not: "I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God’s marvellous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ" (Jude 1:4, NLT).      These have come with cleverly crafted messages, using God's Word as a premise and sprinkling the salt of demonic messages on top, such that the congregations cannot see the error, save for a few. Many of such men have become leaders, ministers and preachers of thriving ministries. These...

Are You A True Disciple? Part 2

       To be a true Disciple is not about being in a particular Church, under a particular head or serving in a particular position or section of the Church. To be true is borne out of your heart, not a programme, a fashion, or the like. "And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross daily [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me]" (Luke 9:23, AMP).         Jesus made the foregoing statement to His disciples. Apart from the 12 He originally chose, many others came to follow Him and to go out to preach the gospel with accompanying signs and wonders. This call to the disciples was to make them decide for themselves: to want to, wish to, desire to, and will to! Despite one's position in societ...

Are You A True Disciple? Part 1

       This decade opened with very dire straits for mankind, as many people around the world woke up to a world that stood still as each nation shut their borders, homes and institutions shutting their doors. If many had been told this scenario could happen a couple of decades ago, one would say it was crazily impossible. But it did happen! Many lives and livelihoods were destroyed, and many institutions and lifestyles, including the Church, were affected. As terrible as the times were and still are, it is exposing the hearts and state of many 'sons of God'!         Many wondered aloud, 'What does the devil want for causing all this havoc?' And some went further to ask, 'What does God want?' The answer to both questions is 'Man' (male and female)! It is a battle between the Kingdom of God and darkness for the soul of man. As a result, man is being prepared both by God and the devil for eternity with either!         ...

Generation...Whose Generation?

       I listened to a brother the other day teach the congregation they are the Samuel Generation. I have seen bumper stickers of Churches and Ministries declare they are one generation or the other. I am sure these 'revelations' came as a result of the exploits of the individuals or tribes they are choosing to identify with. Each of these generations represents a message the proponents desire to pass on. As great as these ideas or 'revelations' sound, is that what the LORD is speaking to His Church at this time of great darkness and distress?         One may argue that it is for the reason of the stressful state of the earth that we need to raise a generation of believers modelled after a character in the Bible that faced such situations and prevailed. As great as this is, however, the desire of God is: " For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles; In every place incense shall be offere...

Beware, Distractions Dressed As Legitimate

       The upheavals happening around the world, especially in our communities and societies, have gotten many distracted and even blinded many to the real issues plaguing these communities and societies. The governments of the day are bedevilled with corruption, such that the corruption happening in many societies is unbelievably unreal as it defies explanations. Policies and laws are churned out that defy logic, common sense or empathy for the downtrodden or foster growth. The essence of these upheavals at this time is to distract as many as the enemy can from the truth of God's Word. The ancient wicked dragon, the enemy of humanity's soul knows that his time is short, hence an uptick in evil and wickedness around the globe.           As sons of God, we are warned not to get distracted but to focus on the LORD Jesus Christ so as not to be deceived and swept away by the winds of false doctrines. As a foreshadowing of these times, t...

Questions To Ponder

      "‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God'" (Matthew 15:8-9, NLT). What type of Believer are you: a mindful Believer who is a Disciple of Christ or a mindless one who thinks he/she is a Disciple? One of the ways of man is to get so used to something, to begin to take the thing for granted. This happens when one does not deal with the issues (ambitions) of the heart.         What manner of conversations was Adam having with the Woman that brought on the idea of wanting to cast away the command of God to them? What possessed King Saul to think it was the people who would keep him as king when it wasn't them who brought him to that position in the first place? Are you a believing Disciple or an unbelieving Disciple? You claim to be a believing Disciple yet you have chosen to live some of the life of Christ and not all! The life of Chri...

Balaam's Doctrine

       As we see the Day of the Return of Jesus Christ to earth draw closer, the days and actions of people are getting darker and more sinister. The hearts of many are cold, hard and wicked towards others. There is callousness and carelessness in the air that is beyond comprehension, from the leaders to those who are being led and from the Pulpits to the Pews. These are the days the Bible calls perilous or hard times. Times that are difficult to bear and difficult to be a truly Bible-believing Christian without softening one's stand towards the righteousness and holiness of the God many claim to serve.         No wonder the Bible warned as many as would listen: "Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall" (1 Corinthians 10:11-12, ESV). Daily, the enemy puts into motion schemes that...

A Lesson From Esau's Life

       Someone remarked the other day: 'It is like 'shame' is no longer shame these days!' People care less about decorum, modesty or the consequences of misspent opportunities. Good sense and righteous living are slowly becoming a thing of the past on our watch as sons and disciples of Christ. Something is not quite right!  We look to the Church pulpits and pews, perhaps a change for the good can be ignited from there. Alas, the products of many of these pulpits and pews leave much to be desired.         The other day, a young man, with his pocket filled with condoms, made it his goal to fornicate as much as he could because his Pastor told him all his sins have been forgiven and taken away, both now and in the future. In fact, nothing he does can jeopardise his place in eternity with God because of His grace! Thus, he feels, he will make up for lost time and thoroughly enjoy himself in every form of debauchery possible because he is co...

The Uriah Excuse

       God desires to train His sons and daughters for battle: "Blessed be the Lord, my Rock and my great strength, Who trains my hands for war And my fingers for battle" (Psalms 144:1, AMP). Why? "So that we are no longer children [spiritually immature], tossed back and forth [like ships on a stormy sea] and carried about by every wind of [shifting] doctrine, by the cunning and trickery of [unscrupulous] men, by the deceitful scheming of people ready to do anything [for personal profit]" (Ephesians 4:14, AMP). To be able to do this effectively, one must be diligent and rooted in the things of God, discerning, and always ready to take advantage of opportunities the LORD brings our way.         We must not lose sight that the LORD Himself is our Commander and Captain! Meaning, that we are willing to ask, seek, know Him personally, and take instructions from Him. Don't be deceived, it is an individual race, not a corporate one!  ...

As You Ponder On That Decision...

       The way things are going in the world, it calls for caution and vigilance on our part as children of God! What would have been unthinkable in the Body of Christ a couple of decades ago, is becoming tolerable and acceptable among sons of God. The truth is being discarded, and in some instances twisted to fit the lifestyles and narratives of those propagating them.         One major weapon they are using now to distort the truth is to change the vocabulary. Knowing fully well that a vocabulary change weakens the meaning and gravity of the word or statement! The untruth is now calling the Truth untruth! In our quest to fit into the system and be accepted by those around us, many have bought into these lies and started living them.         As children of God, we must constantly remind ourselves, we are not of the world and its systems. And the Grace for this is assured when Jesus prayed for us: "They are not of the...

The Love of God, Jesus Christ!

       Listening to an argument the other day about 'Nature versus Nurture', got me thinking about our lives as sons of God in a dark and depraved world. Many believe 'Nurture' trumps 'Nature' every time. Why? Because it is believed that 'Nurture' carries within it love. However, we have seen some anomalies with these results. In the sense that many persons that were 'nurtured' still grew up with narcissistic, wicked behaviours, devoid of love and the attributes of love. What this shows, over and over again is that we cannot receive or give love if it is not centred on God!         When we bring this back home, many in the Body lack the warmth of love; thus, they cannot receive nor can they give it. Many congregations are devoid of the attributes of love. They may belong to the same fold, yet they have no love for each other! Many claim to be Born Again by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord. Yet they are devoid of love for others but themse...

The Esau Syndrome

       The Psalmist declared, "God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God" (Psalm 62:11). Like him, we have heard God speak His Word to us through the Scriptures, and we have seen the manifestation of His Word in and around us. God is real and His Word is true! As sons of God, we attest to this truth not only because we read them in the Bible, but because we have experiential knowledge that it is the truth! In the days of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau, the Word of God was the passing down of God's instructions from one generation to another. Abraham taught it to his sons, and his son in turn taught it to his sons. However, we would see that not all the sons in each generation lived by what they had been taught.         One such character is Esau. He lived in the same house with Jacob, and a favorite of his father, yet, he did not understand or yield to the instructions of his father. If he had, he would not...

Not The Love Of The World

Listening to a Minister of the Lord the other day set me thinking when he said, we must not turn our backs to the world if we desire to win the world over to Christ. He argued that if one keeps associating with them instead of separating from them, they will see that we are not 'different' from them, and they will be encouraged to join us. After all, he continued, they will realise that we love them and are not judging them. Such thinking is wrong and dangerous on many levels as it contravenes the Word of God!  We have not been called to love the world, but to be separate from it, to disciple it for Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 6:7, Matthew 28:18-20). Many like-minded believe that the Church should be more tolerant, and open her doors to more diverse opinions to win the world. Hence, many such ministers preach and sing songs that do not carry the saving power of Jesus Christ, but massage the egos and world views of a worldly-hearted audience, so as to be accepted into their ...

The Price of Unforgiveness

       A friend called me the other day to announce he is still angry with another friend who failed to apologise to him for the hurt he caused him! I was taken aback at the declaration, as the incident he referred to happened a little over a year ago. This was truly disheartening. I asked him if he was aware if Christ had come within that period, he would not have gone with Him. To him, he felt justified because he was the one that was hurt; and he believed he would have obtained mercy from the Lord! Many wonderful children of God feel this way, especially having gone through a traumatic experience with the one formerly called a brother or sister!         The same thing happened to Jesus, Let's see how He handled it! In Matthew 26:17-25, Jesus told His disciples He would be betrayed. They all asked Him if they would be the one. He told the one that would betray Him: "And Judas, the betrayer, said, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” Jesus said...

Clean House!

Many things had happened in the life of Abram. He had gone to war to save his nephew caught in a war between several nations. Against all odds, Abram with his 318 trained men born in his household, successfully pursued the armies of four kingdoms and defeated them. This feat could only have been possible with the help of God. Abram acknowledged this by giving a tenth of the spoils to Melchizedek, the king of Salem. "After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield; Your reward [for obedience] shall be very great" (Genesis 15:1, AMP).    In the previous chapter, we saw Abram refuse the overtures of the king of Sodom to share in the spoils of war. The way Abram puts it was quite enlightening. He said: "But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand and sworn an oath to the Lord God Most High, the Creator and Possessor of heaven and earth, that I would not take anything that is yours, fr...