Have you ever wondered why there is so much darkness in the world? It looks as if darkness is gaining momentum at places of work, neighborhoods, schools etc. The Bible tells us in John 1:5 that the Light shines in darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it. This simply means the darkness could not cover or extinguish the Light. If this is the case: why is it that children of God, carriers of the Light are either covered or almost extinguished in their places of work, schools or neighborhoods? If the children of God refuses to testify about Who Jesus Christ is at their localities, then it is a matter of time before the Light they carry becomes covered or extinguished. Our testimony is our defence against a dark world, not our pockets or what we own (Revelations 12:11)! As Believers, God expects us to know His will, to see the Righteous One, and to hear the sound of His voice. So that we can be effective witnesses for Him to all people of what we had seen and heard (Acts 22:14-15). F...
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