Have you noticed how the whole world is preoccupied in fact, obsessed with physical beauty? No one wants to know what is on the inside as long as the outward physical appearance is beautiful. Merchants of the world had grown very rich marketing products and ideas of beauty over the ages. The hype of beauty has reached a feverish level that it is almost a sin or crime to be otherwise. People spend a fortune to be and remain beautiful, unfortunately, those that cannot afford to spend fortunes are left bereft and pulverized by the hype. When they come into Church, there is no difference. The First Lady must be beautiful or always looking impeccable, the Pastors, wives, the list are endless, must always ‘look’ beautiful. Don’t get me wrong, beauty is good, in fact our God is Beautiful; but the obsession of people with beauty has taken it into a level of must have and a standard for living. Friend, God did not put us on this earth just for us to look and sound good, become famous and alw...
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