“I need a car, I need a house, I need a Spouse, I need a relationship, I need…” ‘Need’ has become a tyrant that terrorizes the whole world whether you are a Believer or not. You must have come across this terrible tyrant that knows no class, creed or race at one point or the other. A lot are plagued by it on a daily basis. It is unlimited in its wants and power as it tries to control all that men do. Do you know that the competition and the rat race of the world is one of its ploys to get men to worship it? It exercises its power unfairly and wickedly upon all men. Was it meant to be like this? If it was, what position does a child of God take against such a formidable foe whose onslaught is unrelenting?
This demon called Need is the forerunner of the demon called ‘Worry’. No wonder the Lord warned us in Matthew 6:25 – “This is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life – whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food and your body more than clothing?” By verses 31 and 32 He tells us “So don’t worry about these things … these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.” This was not meant to be an advice but a command: to ignore this warning is to open oneself to the manipulations and onslaught of the demons of need and worry. In the days of Daniel and his friends, King Nebuchadnezzar made a graven image of himself and commanded all men of all tribes and nations to bow to it in worship. In the same way this demon of need craves worship. How? Once we succumb to worry one has inadvertently bowed down to the demon of need. Your worry is received as worship!!! The friends of Daniel took a posture that we must take and maintain in order to put this demon at bay. They said their God is able to save them from the hand of the heathen king and even if He does not they would not bow and worship the graven image. Friend, we must stand our ground on God’s Word no matter the onslaught and look at the demon of need in its face and refuse to bow even if we don’t know where the provision will come from! We must hold on to the Word of God that says help will come from Him and it will, just as He did for the three Hebrew men.
We must not allow the needs we are faced with daily make us doubt or grumble against God just as the children of Israel did in the wilderness. Each time this demon need appears to them, they worship it by succumbing to its cravings and yearnings and the end result was that God was displeased with them and they perished in the wilderness. The Lord told us in Romans 8:32 that since He gave us His Son, He will equally freely give us all things. Friend, except we come to this knowledge of the sufficiency and ability of our God we will continually bow to this demon daily. Thus, we are to approach the Throne of Grace daily with all manner of prayers and supplications with thanksgiving in order to receive mercy and grace to help us in our time of need. Believe He is able to help you and even if … don’t succumb to the pressures of the need. God bless you and give you the grace to stand and remain standing in Jesus Christ name.
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