I once had an interesting conversation with a
young friend that is just starting out in the call of God upon his life. He complained
about the way his call was being received by those he called mentors. He felt he had
not gotten enough support from them and he started doubting if God had truly called
him. At the time of our conversation, he was feeling defeated, depressed and
dejected. He expected that his ministry will be received and celebrated by his
peers and his mentors. The tendency for so many at this stage is to compromise
in the instructions received from God to gain the acceptance of the people. The
Lord has put His word in our mouths and we have no choice but to declare what
He is speaking. “Then the Lord reached
out His hand touched my mouth, and told me: look I have filled your mouth with
My words.” Jeremiah 1:9. Friend,
they are not your words or message, it is the message of the Lord, why then are
you seeking validation from people around you? The Bible tells us in John 3:34a
that Jesus speaks the words of God not philosophies or principles of the elders
or scribes. He didn’t come speaking the words of men or waiting for the
approval of any man. His preoccupation was to please He that has sent Him. Paul
stated same in Galatians 1:11 “Now I want
you to know, brothers, that the gospel preached by me is not based on a human
point of view.” When a person misses this point, he gets frustrated and
unfulfilled. The truth is my friend, we are not called to be people pleasers
but to please only He that has sent us. That was why Jesus Christ prayed for
His Disciples in John 17:14 “I have given
them Your word. The world hated them because they are not of the world.”
The world will not welcome the message you carry but they will be won over by
the power of God through the message. God told Jeremiah “See, today I have set you over nations and kingdoms, to uproot and
tear down to destroy and demolish to build and plant.” Jeremiah 1:10. As a
servant of God we must uproot, tear down, destroy and demolish any system that
is not of God and plant His Kingdom in its place. This we can only achieve when
we fearlessly, accurately and adequately deliver the WORDS of God. The truth is
you will not be supported because your Master was not supported. Why? His
message challenged the status quo! Luke 2:34a “Then Simeon blessed them and told His mother Mary: ‘Indeed, this child
is destined to cause the fall and rise of many in Israel and to be a sign that
will be opposed.’” This simply means, if you follow the Lord in truth and
in Spirit it will cause the rise and fall of many. Just like Christ, you will
be a figure that will be misunderstood and contradicted. And like Jeremiah, the
young man told me but I am a child, when did I start out in ministry? Friend,
Ministry is not an organization or an enterprise; you have been called to do a
part of a work, for how long you may not know, JUST DO IT! God told Jeremiah not
to see himself as a child but to declare whatever the Lord has asked him to do
and go wherever he is asked to. The clincher there is: “Do not be afraid of anyone for I will be with you to deliver you. This
is the Lord’s declaration.” Jeremiah 1:8. Therefore, stand up from fear,
intimidation and frustration, be who God has called you to be and deliver the
words of God fearlessly in all humility to the glory of God. God bless you.
Have you ever visited a quarry site and considered the process the rocks are subjected to before they become dressed stones to be used? If the stones could talk they will have a story to tell about their experiences. As children of God we go through diverse experiences and we wonder if we will indeed survive them. Sometimes we wonder why our gracious and compassionate Father would allow such to befall us considering who we are in Him and what we are doing in His vineyard. The Scripture that should readily come to our minds in such circumstances is God’s assurance when He said: “I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire and the flame will not burn you ” (Isaiah 43:2). This Scripture assures us that through the experiences of flames and waters, God is always by our side to see us through. Thus, it is necessary for us to go through the...
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