Careful study of the Bible reveals that
since creation, God has and is taking people through several eras or time
periods. Each era is unique as we see the workings of God in different dimensions
from one era to another. The first era experienced by people was that of conscience,
a time when God spoke to people majorly and universally through His creation as
evidenced in the books of Genesis, Job and also Romans 1:20. The second era was
the era of the law as given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 19 &
20). Then the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brought in the era
of grace, and its continual impact on humanity as she prepares the soon return
of Christ and His kingdom. Finally the one which is to come is the era of the
kingdom when the kingdoms of the earth will become the Kingdom of Christ when
He will reign forever and ever. Believe it or not, the signs of the times are
already visible all around us, in the media, the society, our homes and sadly
even in our churches (2 Timothy 3:2). Jesus warned in Mathew 24 about this time that
there would be an unprecedented increase of deception, hypocrisy, hatred,
betrayal and the likes. In verse 12 of Matthew 24, He says that there will be
an unprecedented increase in lawlessness and iniquity that will cause the love
many have for Him to grow cold. Then He says in vs. 13
that those who endure till the end shall be saved.
Friend, the enemy has released fiery darts that are being
shot into the hearts of people in order to steal the love of God from their
hearts; through various tests, trials and temptations, the love for God in many
hearts will then eventually grow cold. Remember, the devil is subtle and crafty
and he perfects his work when people are spiritually sleeping (Mat 13:25). In
Jude 3, we are told that we cannot afford to be laid back and indifferent at
this time. This is the time we must earnestly fight for the faith and in
verses 20 and 21, he tells us how to fight which is by ‘building up yourselves...praying in the Holy spirit...Keep yourselves
in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal
life’. We all have a part to play. It is only as we focus on building up
ourselves through prayer, meditation on the word, guarding our hearts, living a
holy life and totally relying on His grace and mercy that we will receive the
strength to love Him more; and that love will endure till the end in Jesus Christ name. God bless you.
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