Just before Jesus
Christ was going to be crucified, He prayed a prayer for all His disciples
(including all those that will become disciples based on their testimonies) in
John 17, that God the Father should keep them whilst in the world. Not that
they should be taken from it, but to be protected from the evil one. Whenever I
remember these Scriptures it reminds me that this world, no matter how
comfortable, enticing or discouraging it may be or become is not ‘home’. Each
human being on the face of the earth is on his/her way to a permanent home:
Either in Heaven or Hell! If this position is true, the next question that
should come to our heart amongst many others is: What manner of people should
we then be? Unfortunately, the world has seeped dangerously into the Church
such that it is quite difficult to differentiate a child of God from those of
the world. You may argue that we cannot isolate ourselves from the world if we
must influence it for God. Very true, but the question remains, how do we go
about this without getting corrupted? The Bible warned about this in Jude
22-23: “And refute [so as to] convict
some who dispute with you, and on some have mercy who waiver and doubt. [Strive
to] save others, snatching [them] out of [the] fire; on others take pity [but]
with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their
sensuality”. (AMP). So many have come up with all manner of spiritual
exercises but have their roots in flesh, thus they do not help those that
adhere to them by drawing close to God.
Mordecai was a man
that lived in dire times: Times of affluence, opulence and wickedness. Despite
the prevailing circumstances he kept his identity. He introduced himself as ‘Mordecai,
the Jew’. The amazing thing was at the end of the Book of Esther – the Bible
records “For Mordecai the Jew was second
to king Ahaseurus and was great among the Jews seeking the good of his people
and speaking peace to all his countrymen” (Esther 10:3). Mordecai retained
his identity (a Jew). He did not forget his call/mandate to his people despite
his high and prestigious position in an empire that comprised of most of the
known world then. Friend, as a child of God, have you relinquished your
authority and forgotten your primary mandate? The position you hold now is not
by your prowess, intellect or who you know; but by the mercy of God. How has
the position helped to seek the welfare and good of the people of God? How have
you used your lofty position to speak the gospel of peace to your fellow brethren?
So many will declare it is their time ‘to shine’. Great, but ‘shine’ to what
end and for whom? True: You walk in authority and move in miracles and a child
of the Kingdom of God. Awesome! NOW, live like one! God bless you.
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