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Showing posts from November, 2013

Called To Arms

There is an awesome day coming for every true son and daughter of God who has pressed through the darkness of this present age, faithfully following the Light of the world – Jesus. It is a day filled with more joy and excitement than the much celebrated cross over night into a new year. A day we would experience the reality of God making all things new and wiping every tear from our eyes. Just the imagination of what it would look like would send waves of joy into anyone’s heart. Indeed it’s a day not to be missed, a day we must yearn for, when Jesus would be openly revealed to His own. A day that Heaven will roar with the resounding shout of victory and death itself will respond to His voice. Scriptures describes the events that will take place in this way “for the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive shall be caught up together with them in ...

5 Ways the Gospel of Prosperity is Hurting Africa – J. Lee Grady

I’m not an African, but in 2008 some Nigerian friends gave me a Yoruba name (“Akinwale”) because I have been to that country so often. My visits there, along with trips to Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Egypt, planted a deep love for Africa in my heart. My first grandson’s arrival this year from Ethiopia made the connection even stronger.  I’m often asked to describe how God is moving in Africa today. Since I’m an optimist, I usually tell of the large churches, the passionate praise and the intense spiritual hunger that characterizes African Christianity. But there is also a dark side, and I think it’s time we addressed one of the most serious threats to faith on the continent. I’m talking about the prosperity gospel . Of course, I know a slick version of this message is preached in the United States—and I know we are the ones who exported it overseas. I am not minimizing the damage that prosperity preaching has done in my own country. But I have witnessed ho...

Do Not Linger!

On a daily basis, the news service bombards us with news of one calamity or the other. It is hard to pick up the newspapers or listen to news broadcasts without hearing about these. These are all the signs that the Bible talks about will take place before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to rapture the saints. Unfortunately, so many children of God are quite unsure of the signs of the times, quite a lot are preoccupied with what they can get and how they can satisfy their needs at whatever cost. As a result, many are carried away by the constant need syndrome: the desire to accumulate wealth and possess fame. To some others, they are just oblivious to the events around them. With the indices on ground, friend, it will take constant reawakening and steadfastness in the spirit to align our will with God’s in relation to the many swerves and turns of life. The story in Genesis 19:14-17 is all too familiar to many but few are sensitive to the message behind it. In the account, ...

Grieve Not the Holy Spirit

The Lord’s deep thoughts and feelings are like precious pearls that must be treasured and guarded whenever and to whomever He is pleased to reveal them. One of such feelings is His grief . It’s a marvel to see that the word ‘grief’ in regards to the Lord’s Spirit appears just once in the whole of the New Testament and only three times in the old, as though He was trying not to draw attention to His deep feelings, except to those who are really truly seeking after His heart. Friend, our Creator equally has a heart and experiences joy, pleasure, sorrow, hurt, grief, anger, displeasure in depths we may never fully comprehend on this side of eternity. We also experience these emotions simply because we are created in His image and His likeness. I believe that is one reason why Heaven will be such an awesome surprise because it would transcend every description we have ever received about it. It will be love, peace and joy indescribable! This word as used in Genesis 6:5-7 simply m...

Keep the Faith!

We live in a world that expresses deep disregard and disdain for the things of God: Things pertaining to the Spirit and our faith, simply because they are not visible even though they are real and discernible. Towards the end of Paul’s ministry he declared by the Holy Spirit “I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith ” 2Timothy 4:7. It’s no more news that the Christian life is not a bed of roses but a fight, a fight to finish, a faith that must remain till the end; a race we must run with perseverance not against one another, but against the competing and conflicting ideas of this world subtly engineered by the evil one. The enemy of our soul is in an all out war to steal, kill and destroy our faith through various means, and one of it is through mockery. He laughs at our humility, our obedience to the Holy Spirit, our distaste for sin and our passion for the Kingdom of God. This spirit of the world could be seen in action in the Bible, from t...