Time and time again God has shown
humanity that all people are instruments in His hand to fulfill His set
purpose. God has chosen people that by all standards wouldn't have stood the
chance of redemption or forgiveness according to our human standards. People
like Jacob, Jephtah, Samson, Gideon, David, Mary the sister of Martha, Mary
Magdalene, Paul and so many more, would not have been given the time of day on
any pulpit in our congregation today. Their names would definitely not find its
way into the hall of faith in our time because they do not fulfill our idea of
who is qualified to be. But these were people that God used mightily in their
days and commended as people that lived lives that pleased Him. Thus, when God
spoke through Paul about the various kinds of vessels that are found in His
house and could be used for noble and ignoble purposes in 2Timothy 2:20, He was
referring to the extent to which God could transform the most wretched of
sinners and the condemned to mighty instruments that showcases the glory and boundless
love of God to humanity. However, the deciding factor is: “So if anyone purifies himself from these things, he will be a special
instrument set apart, useful to the Master; prepared for every good work”
(2Timothy 2:21).
What separates these vessels in purpose
in verse 20 was not the quality of what they were made up but the degree of
their willingness to be cleansed from all impurity. The truth is God cannot be
mocked nor can this be faked as God sees and weighs all. 2Timothy 2: 19 states
clearly: “Nevertheless, God’s solid
foundation stands firm, having this inscription: The Lord knows those who are
His, and everyone who names the name of the Lord must turn away from
unrighteousness”. Therefore, there must be a conscious choice and effort in
the heart of the vessel to deliberately turn away from every form of impurity.
It is not about how qualified, rich, advanced or well read one is, but a
conscious turning away from unrighteousness that makes a person to be qualified
for every good work prepared in advance by the Lord for such to do. Sadly, so
many have been disqualified because this verse had been an Achilles heel for
them. There are so many wonderful vessels that have refused to turn away from
useless and vile things and turn to the Lord to be used for His glory.
Friend, quietly ponder, what kind of
vessel are you? It is not a confessing thing but an action must take place!
Maybe, Heaven is waiting on you to know the vessel you are made of so you could
fulfill your destiny. The cub of a lion is a lion however if it runs and lives
with ducks it will behave as one, its looks notwithstanding. However, the day
it realizes it is a lion, then it will begin to function as one. To maintain
our nobility, verse 22 tells us to “Flee
from youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along
with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart”. Then Proverbs 2:21 went
on to promise us: “the one who pursues
righteousness and faithful love will find life, righteousness and honor”. God
will indeed honor such and use him or her as a worthy instrument indeed! God
bless you as you embark on this journey with Him.
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