When we carefully examine the Lord’s first visit to Israel almost 2000years ago, we see that despite all the signs and prophecies that had gone ahead of Him, many were still not prepared for His coming. Though Sabbath after Sabbath prophecies about Him were read out loud for people to hear, so that when He finally appeared they may all recognise Him and partake of His glory. Yet not even the family of the high priest or the religious elites where aware of His coming. They knew all the right scriptures, but there was an evident lack of preparation of the heart. Malachi 3:2 declares “but who may abide the day of His coming and who shall stand when he appeareth for He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers soap”. John the Baptist, who was a forerunner, came to Israel with the cry of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 40:3-7. His message was simple and still relevant even in our day: “prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God”.
Friends it doesn’t matter the technological advancement or the scientific discoveries going on around us. As beneficial as they are to our daily living, without an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ each soul is dry, thirsty and barren as a desert. Also without a conscious preparation of our hearts before God, our flight upwards at His coming is not guaranteed. Sadly many have learnt to live comfortably with this desert condition of the soul. This is why the cry to prepare the way of the Lord in our hearts is once again coming forth from heaven. Every valley of past sins, disappointments, shame, guilt, timidity and sorrows must give way to Christ’s provision for forgiveness, healing and restoration. Every mountain of pride and boasting in one’s effort must give way for humility and righteousness to be imputed and worked into every facet of our lives. Every crooked path of greed, hypocrisy and lack of integrity must give way to a passionate love for the truth, sincerity and selfless service for the King of kings.
All these preparations can be achieved as we open our hearts to the working of His word through the Holy Spirit. Friends without His word living and active in our soul, all flesh is no different from the grass of the field: here today, gathered tomorrow to be burnt. Without Him all our achievements no matter how wonderful, are no different from the flowers of the field, beautiful and well appreciated today, but forgotten tomorrow and set aside for better things. Only in Him do we really find our completeness and true identity. This fresh call is not to become more religious, but to become truly united with Him in heart and soul. It is the passion of this union with Him that becomes the highway of holiness as it purifies our hearts from the love of the world and every other thing that separates us from Him. Not a set of rules and regulations! Soon the King will appear again, this time not as a baby born in a manger, but as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, roaring in victory over all. And equally as the bridegroom ready to catch up His bride to Himself forever (Rev 19:7-9). The grace to position our hearts in a passionate daily pursuit of the one who has loved us already is released afresh upon us all in Jesus Christ name. God bless you.
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