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Showing posts from 2016

The 100 Percent Heart

       As the year draws to a close, it is a time to take stock of all that had taken place and to prepare for the coming year if the Lord tarries. One question that must be uppermost in our hearts even at this time is ‘how have I fared this year with all that the Lord gave to me?’ We must bear in mind that we were placed on this earth for a purpose and we will give an account of the time spent. No wonder the Bible warned us: “Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk – not as unwise people but as wise – making the most of the time because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16). Beloved how much of God’s word did you work this year in review? If the Lord were to come now, are you indeed sure of going with Him? So many shut their eyes in sleep and opened them, some others shut them in sleep and were unable to open them again. They were declared dead! Their time as destined by God had simply come for them to answer the eternal call.        ...

Take Out The Poison!

      A man of God recently declared that children of God that hold contrary views to his on what the House of God is should not spread their poison to his Church to confuse his members. This is true as so many have risen amongst the brethren preaching deviant doctrines in order to lure disciples into following them (Acts 20:30). Thus, we are admonished as overseers to be alert to watch over ourselves and the flock of God; when certain doctrines are propagated and supported by Scriptures, we are to go to God with it, so the truth will be revealed to us. We cannot presume to know all, except that which is revealed to us: “For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and underst...

Don’t Be Locked Down, Increase In Him!

    After healing Peter’s mother-in-law in Luke 4:38-41, people from the town of Capernaum and neighboring towns brought their sick and those that are demon possessed to be healed by Jesus Christ. He did heal them all; the next day they came searching for Him again and they went as far as wanting to prevent Him from leaving their town. Their thinking may have being to lock Him down in their town so He could be their personal healer and talisman. One could just glance at the story and miss one of the important lessons therein. So many wonderful children of God have being locked down in their fellowships, Churches, work places and the likes making them comfortable but unfruitful in the things of God because they are stunted in their spiritual growth: “The person who lacks these things is blind and shortsighted, and has forgotten the cleansing from his past sins” (2Peter 1:9). It is truly great to experience the Lord at the level you are in, but God is not static, you need to g...

Placebo Christian Life

       A young man was cut down in his prime by a drunken driver. His death was painful, as he left a young wife and two little children. During his wake-keep, everyone declared how good, generous, loving and religious he was. The minister concluded his message by declaring that though he didn’t have much personal contact with the deceased, but from all the testimonies given, he strongly believes that the deceased had gone to be with the Lord! This conclusion is what is usually arrived at when a person passes on irrespective of how such lived. Most testimonies are barefaced lies as you see relations, neighbors and colleagues wince when such accolades are passed. Question…do the deceased make heaven based on the testimonies people gave about them? According to the principles of the world, one should not speak ill of the dead. Thus, on that day, they are all seen as saints on their merry way to Heaven. If only that were true!         There i...

Don’t Forget…Appropriate

“My soul, praise the Lord, and all that is within me, praise His holy name. My soul, praise the Lord, and do not forget all His benefits” (Psalm 103:1-2).        If you are an avid follower of current affairs around the world especially in the free-world, one would assume that certain things just don’t add up. Despite clear indices on the ground to predict outcome of certain pattern of events, it’s as if an unseen hand was playing a cruel joke on the predictors, by turning those indices on their heads. As children of God we discern that God is truly the one that controls the affairs of men, no matter how orderly their thinking and predictions are, He is able to overturn it to bring His counsel to pass. Only those who are in tune with Him see this and are not surprised by the outcomes they see. Those that are not, make predictions based on what they see and what they think should be, falsely claiming that it is divinely given to them. God cannot be ...

For You…

“Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken” (Psalm 62: 5&6).        Most people say they do not need encouragement from others when facing one challenge or the other. They argue that they are self-sufficient, self-assured and self-confident. Unfortunately, this is not true! Every person needs an assurance at one point or the other in order to climb to the next level. Take for instance in an office; a promotion letter is supposedly an assurance or a nod from the bosses that a person is doing well on the job and is being pushed to the next level. For another staff in that same office that feels he deserved it more; such a staff could feel discouraged and is propelled to work harder to prove to his superiors that he is good if not better than others or throws himself into a pool of depression. The assurances and affirmations of men can only get us thus far, bu...

You Cannot Cheat God To Serve God

         The desire of Jesus Christ is to give as many as heed His voice and follow Him an abundant life. Not a life devoid of responsibilities – for that would be reckless and carnal; but a life that comes with responsibilities towards God and our fellow men. He reminded us that the hour of seeking and worshiping God in ignorance and foolishness has gone: “But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:23-24). Thus, we cannot afford to tweak the Scriptures to suit what we want or the message we seek to pass across. Because of self aggrandizement, Scriptures are watered down or misinterpreted; this will simply not do. We must understand that all we do in life is recorded and all will give account of it, without exception and without excuses! “Many w...

Have You Met Authority And Are You In Submission Or Rebellion?

        Looking at the conversion of Saul to Paul the Apostle, it is quite instructive for us at this time. In these days, we see oppression from the government to the lay man on the street. Attitudes are developed that negates the possibility of living in union with neighbors that differ from us, either in race, creed or class. The Bible says concerning Saul: “Then Saul still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest…” (Acts 9:1). A ‘devout’ man breathing murderous threats against others because they do not share his beliefs, makes one wonder what manner of devotion he has and to which god. As far as Saul was concerned, he was serving the Almighty God and he was set to kill as many as oppose his god! He had received ‘authority’ from the high priest which gave him the license to be an accuser, judge and executioner all at once. Jesus Christ warned His disciples about this kind of people that will arise after Him: “These...

A Need To Arise As Parents

      It’s beautiful and a wonder to see little children worship God with a sincerity that is beautiful to behold. If we as humans are entranced by such a sight, one can only imagine the joy in the heart of the Creator of the whole universe. When a picture of the said child is posted on the social networks we are quick to appropriate such to ourselves by quickly saying a prayer or an ‘amen’! Unfortunately, such cannot be appropriated. If one could speak to the parents of those children, one would realize that what we admire in their little children and wish for ours was not realized as a result of wishing or praying alone. A lot of work was done. I absolutely appreciate these parents and I pray that the children will continually run with the fire in the Presence of God until the end in Jesus Christ name. As we wish and pray same for our children, our desire should not only be to raise children that absolutely love to worship God, but nurture them in a manne...