One would think that as technology improves the lives of the
people around the world, the people themselves will be more caring and loving
towards one another. On the contrary, people are more uncaring and calculating
in their disdain for their fellow humans. Terrorism, domestic violence, wanton
killings and hurting of people are at an all time high across the globe. People
care more for their pets and other animals than they do for humans like them.
In Christendom, the desire to get ahead in life has turned so many to
competitive monsters in their homes, offices and their environment. Attitudes
and characters that should not be heard or spoken of are common place amongst
children of God. This in itself is a pointer that Jesus Christ is truly on His
way back: “Sin will be rampant everywhere
and the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12, NLT). Jesus Christ
left a mandate for us His disciples and those who believe in Him as a guide for
our dealings with one another: “This is
My command: love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). This is the
heart of the Gospel and if we must take the message around the world, this
mandate must be at the heart of our message. Christ went further to say: “No one has greater love than this, that
someone would lay down his life for his friends” (Matthew 15:13).
from Genesis God has been teaching this message and only those that grasped
this were able to access the blessing therein. There is a blessing released to
us and our loved ones when we walk and work in this truth. It is not enough to
say we love, we must demonstrate it. As we do, it equally affects those that
are in our environment. Beloved, the goings on around you, have you sat down to
wonder why? We have attributed such calamities to the works of the enemy and
his agents, have you stopped to think that you may just be the architect of
what is happening around you? You may argue that you showed love but the people
around you refused to accept or acknowledge it. True! But the Bible tells
us: “In the same way, let your light
shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your
Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16). This simply means, whether they accept,
acknowledge it or not, you, continue to love; and this will eventually shut
them up. When Cain killed his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother
was, and he replied, ‘am I my brother’s keeper?’ The same question we are being
Beloved, the things we do actually affects those that are close to us,
either listening to us or are related to us. The Bible gave an account of Paul
and Silas in the dungeon, how they prayed and sang hymns. I am sure when they
started out, they did not think God will respond to them the way He did. But
God did! The Bible pointed out that the other prisoners listened to them! The lesson
is not only for us to sing praises in times of great pain but to understand
that the outcome of our actions in such times will equally affect those ‘listening’
to us. The Bible says the prisoners were listening; for that reason, they too
were delivered of their chains. Beloved, the things that come out of your mouth,
especially during trying times, are you sure are not responsible for the
predicament you and those around you are in? When we do good, everything around
us reaps the benefit and when we do bad, the consequences goes round as well
(Genesis 6:11-12). Beloved, you may be hurt about a matter like Cain, but I can
assure you, if you speak aloud what you are angry about you will realize that
it is not worth the effort and energy you have assigned to it. Beloved, it is
time for your light to truly shine in love amongst the people so that those
terrible conditions can change! The ball is in your court! God bless you.
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