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Knowledge Of The Measure Of His Power In You

       The world system says knowledge is power. Meaning when you are aware of a thing, it is near impossible to be overcome by it. With this knowledge, one can influence or change his/her situation. If we believe this to be true, why do we think this idea do not apply to the things of God? Now, the knowledge of God we have is by faith. Sadly, many have misconstrued faith to be blissfully ignorant of God’s commands, expecting things around them to change and work-out for them, according to some imagined concepts in their mind.         Knowledge without application is useless, powerless and of no benefit to the bearer. Adam was told: “ But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die” (Genesis 2:17). His and the woman’s failure to appropriate (apply/own) this knowledge cost them the Garden. If we know the tools/skills we need to affect our space without appropriating ...

In Times Like These, Be Always Ready

       Jesus teaching the multitude on one particular occasion made some declarations that troubled His Disciples. These teachings were strange and markedly different from what they were taught by the teachers and scribes of the law (Matthew 7:28-29). In response to one of such teaching, Peter said: “…’Lord, do You speak this parable only to us, or to all people?’” (Luke 12:41). The particular parable Peter was referring to was that of them being ready for the Lord’s return (Luke 12:35-40). In this parable, Jesus particularly warned that as His servants and followers, we must be ready to go with Him when He returns. This is the goal of our followership – to reign with Him at the end!        He gave certain conditions that would determine our state of readiness to follow when He returns. The conditions are: Be dressed ready, be at alert, and be ready to open the door immediately we hear the knock. It was clear from the parable that those that will...

Call Me ‘FATHER’!

        Who is Jesus to you? Remember He is fully God! He is One with the Father and the Spirit. He is the express image of the invisible God: “In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself” (John 1:1, AMP). Isaiah 9:6c calls Him the ETERNAL FATHER! Beloved, what do you call Him? The sum total of your relationship with Him is summarized in what you call Him, not what other people call Him! What you call Him is actually how you relate with Him! However, He desires that you come to truly know Him as and call Him ‘FATHER’!         I always wondered how the Disciples of Jesus Christ must have felt when they asked Him to teach them how to pray, and He responded: “…you should pray like this: Our Father in Heaven…” (Matthew 6:9a). I believe that phrase would have shocked them. To regard the Creator of the Universe and all that is within as ‘Father’! Jesus was introducing the Father to u...

Beware Of The Glitterati Of The World

              A songwriter wrote: “Busy serving the Lord, busy praying for all men. Busy sweeping the floor in the house of the Lord. Busy singing and dancing, prophesying for all men. But do you really know the Lord or you are just busy for Him…?” This song is an apt picture of the state of so many in a generation that has all it takes to usher in the coming of the Lord but is sadly unprepared to see Him return.  Have you noticed how busy the world is these days? Everyone is going about something: A new way or an improved way to do something or gain something. There is so much motion in the world, yet it seems and feels as if we are not moving anywhere. You may argue that my assumptions are incorrect. You may be right. That is an argument for another day. However, as a child of God, if I may ask you, with the increase in Church programs, ministries, and the likes, how has this increase affect the moral fabric of the communities or society we l...

Is It Just Singing…?

       I was in a meeting some time ago, and the preacher said something that sounded old school at the time. He said, ‘we need to return to the old-time religion when gospel songs were all about God’. Of course in our time now, the term ‘religion’ rubs us off in a wrong way as its definition is the opposite of Who God is. But I believe that was not what the preacher meant. He was not advocating ‘religious’ songs, but songs that were hymnal in nature – songs that solely focused on God (the nature of God)! I saw that the statement did not go down well with most of the congregants as they were murmuring.         After the service, I spoke to a sister to know why she murmured during that part of the teaching, and she said those old-time songs are boring and lack life! Wow! This got me thinking and pondering on what the difference could be between most of the popular mainstream present songs and the old-time hymnal-like songs. After all, they wer...

Consider That Call Again

       I was in a prayer meeting a while back and the Sister that led the worship was incredible. Her voice, the songs, and passion were ethereal. In fact, one would say she brought down the very Host of Heaven into the meeting. The Presence of God was so heavy in the meeting, it was awesome! It was a Prayer meeting to remember as God moved mightily among us; indeed, the Glory of God filled the room and all agendas as to what to do next were thrown out of the window.         In retrospect, when I ponder on the meeting, it was not the songs (as they were popular), her voice (like any other seemingly good voice), her presence (she was not fantastic looking) that ushered in God’s Presence, it was her heart – a heart of worship! She knew her call and she operated in it. Sadly, so many singers and songs in the Body of Christ today draw attention to themselves and the worshippers rather than to the One Who is supposed to be worshipped. She did not ...

“How Is Your Walk With The Lord?”

       I was exchanging pleasantries with a sister I had not seen for quite a while; and she asked me, ‘how is your walk with the Lord?’ I replied, ‘I bless God!’ And we set up a time to meet and catch up. After she left, the question she asked returned to my mind again: ‘how is your walk with the Lord?’ This question is very important as it transcends one’s physical wellbeing to one’s spiritual wellbeing. As sons of God, if we desire to reign with the Lord Jesus Christ when He comes, we must be of sound mind and our walk perfect before Him. We cannot be neither here nor there with Him. No matter what we face on a daily basis, we must be persistent and unwavering in our faith. We were warned by Apostle Paul by the Spirit to: “Examine and test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith and showing the proper fruits of it. Test and prove yourselves [not Christ]…” (2Corinthians 13:5a, AMP).         In our present ...

The Law Of Use

       An associate stated recently that prayers do not work as they should in his life anymore! I was taken aback and it set me thinking. If prayers do not work as they used to, it means, at a point in time they were very effective. It then follows that something must have occurred in that person’s life to cause prayers not to work the way they should. Talking with him, he agreed that he carries the Holy Spirit within him. He just doesn’t feel his prayers are getting to God anymore, he declared, frustrated! Many a time in our lives, we are like the young man. We have prayed consistently about an issue but it looks like the heavens are shut to our cries, yet we are Born Again children of God. Something is not right! I pointed out to him that the desire of God is to commune with us and answer our requests made to Him. Even if we do not quickly see the manifestation of the answers to the prayers, we must have faith that it is done! He was not convinced!    ...

Take A Stand

       In the Bible, we saw king Balak of Moab doing everything he can to get Prophet Balaam to curse the people of God (Israel). Balaam declared, how could he curse a people that are blessed, dwelling securely in their tents and beloved of God (Numbers 23 – 24)? Now, the only way for the people to be cursed is if they fall into sin, because a causeless curse cannot rest on a person (Proverbs 26:2). Sadly, fall they did! But Praise God for Phinehas (Aaron’s grandson) that stood his ground against the onslaught of darkness while Moses and the Elders sat.         Presently, for the discerning, it is clear that something is happening in the Spirit realm. It is as if we are reliving the Balak and Balaam moments again in the Body of Christ, especially in our Nation. Things that are clearly evil are being celebrated as righteous. We even try to explain away the judgments of God. We see the severe hand of the Lord upon the Church, but we explain it ...

It’s Not True, Look Up

       Someone asked recently, are the things happening around the world and in the Body of Christ not strange? Not really! They were foretold long ago. In fact, based on the Scriptures, worse things and more deviant behaviors will increasingly happen as we see the Return of the Lord draw nearer. At the same time, these times will equally herald amazing workings of God among those that believe in Him. In recent times, because of the economic downturn of nations, political uprisings, contagious diseases and the likes, many have lost loved ones, jobs, businesses and homes. Some are going through tough and rough times, and it looks as if God has abandoned His people. This is not true! God is very much with His people! For as many that cry out to Him from a sincere heart and run to Him, He saves! Sadly, instead of running to Him, many do cry to Him but with a heart filled with grumbling, complaints and worrying. He asked us to ask, seek and knock not grumble, complain an...

The Way To The Success You Desire Is Jesus

       We live in a very materialistic world that equates a man’s worth with what he has or has the ability to have. Life incidentally is much more than all of these. As sons of God, our allegiance to God, or the weight of our service should not be based on what we had acquired or could. The world teaches that a man that has not acquired some form of wealth should not be reckoned with. As a result, many believe that they have no credibility if their bank account is not fat. Some go as far as believing that the reason people disrespect them is because of their lack of affluence and influence. However, most of us understand that the Bible has told us that the worth of a man is not based on the size of his wealth, yet, we believe otherwise. Thus, many teachings from pulpits are geared towards us getting as much as we can through strategies, hard work and many other parameters.        Sadly, many wonderful sons of God believe that the mark of a man th...

Truth, Whose Truth?

       We live in a time where things are not usually as it seems. Things that were held sacred are now being questioned and discarded. Morality and decency has become a matter of perception and not what society holds or should hold dear! We forgot that when the fabrics of decency and morality break down in a community, chaos, fear, uncertainty and unspeakable evil run amok. The Bible described the behavior of these times in this manner: “And because they did not think it worthwhile to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong…Although, they know full well God’s just sentence – that those who practice such things deserve to die – they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them” (Romans 1: 28, 32).         Sadly, all these irreverent behavior and more have infiltrated the Church. Instead of bringing more enlightenment as their proponents within the Church thought, it ...

I Am Your Reward

       Sometimes I wonder what our responses will be if God tells us individually, ‘I will not give you houses, lands, and all other possessions, rather I will be your possession!’ How would we react, would we still serve and follow Him? Would there be a ‘yet’ in our response to Him if we do not get what He had promised (Habakkuk 3:17-18)? If all fail and the way forward is bleak, would we still follow?         A young man that was reeling from a devastating loss of all he had was reminded that God is his inheritance and portion; he replied ‘I know, but…!’ The truth is, as sons of the Most High God, He is our REWARD! When we understand this, we can begin to appropriate for ourselves that which has been freely given to us before the foundations of the earth! Sadly, our idea of God being our possession and inheritance is when we can physically see, gauge and hold the ‘possession’ and ‘inheritance’ then it is real! To many children of God, God i...

Watch Your Decision Making

“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the Day of the Lord is near in the valley of decisions” (Joel 3:14).        We bless the name of the Lord for giving us the grace to see yet another year. To Him be All the glory! Beloved, welcome to the year of our Lord! As it normally is, many are in the process of making plans, decisions, arrangements, alliances and many more for the year. One thing is for sure though; the previous year had turned so many things upside down, such that what was readily known by experience is no longer the case. One could say it is as if the world has entered an era of a ‘new normal’! The old normal is beginning to look out of place and outdated. But Praise God; in all of these new normal or old normal, our God, Jehovah Almighty remains the same. If we agree with the preceding statement, it then follows that we must watch carefully the decisions we take as they not only affect us here on earth but equally determine where and ho...