Students of history will tell you that
great empires and civilizations fell when the leaders succumbed to arrogance and
abrogated their successes to their geniuses. In our times, scholars will tell
you that one of the reasons most organizations fall today is because the
leaders grew arrogant refused to learn and they lost touch with their humble
beginnings. Same goes for human beings. When a person forgets that all he has
and the position he’s in are not the cumulative result of his power and
intellect, such is not far from a fall. It is even more tragic when the
children of God become arrogant in their walk with the Lord. ‘How?’ You may
ask. When we presume that because we know the Lord, all
our decisions must be right before Him! Because of this spiritual blindness,
they go into associations, relationships and alliances with people they ought
not to, to their destruction. This attitude is not strange neither is it new.
The children of Israel diversely fell into this error on numerous occasions
throughout their history. However, it must be noted that God is not happy with such
an attitude because it is a terrible state to be in as a child of God. We
forget that God categorically stated that to be friends with the world is to be
His enemy (James 4:4). Ephraim (Israel) got to a point and declared that he was
rich and righteous and he did all that by his power (Hosea 12: 8). In fact, he
claimed that no fault could be attributed to Him. Unfortunately God did not see
him in this light, God’s verdict for him was that “Ephraim chases the wind pursues the east wind. He continually
multiplies lies and violence. He makes a covenant with Assyria and olive oil is
carried to Egypt” (Hosea12:1). Not only did he make covenant with a heathen
nation, which God had warned him before hand not to, he even traded his
anointing with the world (Egypt). You cannot consistently go against God and
think there will be no consequences.
Friends, some
associations, relationships and alliances we have formed may just be the cause
of our problems. Drop your arrogance and pride and let go of those ungodly
alliances; stop denying or exchanging the things of God for the momentary pleasures
of this world. It is a dangerous thing to have God as an enemy! Yes, God is
loving, gentle, long suffering and merciful. All these attributes should not be
mistaken for weakness on His part or that He will condone sin. He is a God of
Justice, Holiness and Righteousness. When Ephraim became an enemy of God, God’s
verdict on him is that, he has provoked bitter anger in the heart of God. Friend,
God loves us so much but He will not condone our sin. When we walk in arrogance
and pride, we are simply telling God that we did it and we are doing it all by
ourselves. God’s word clearly tells us that He resists the proud but He gives
grace to the humble. Don’t be in a position where God resists you. Enough of
such walk! It is time to surrender that attitude to the Lord so He can lift you
up from the traps of being an enemy of God. Have you not seen that the more you
walk in that attitude, the more things don’t seem to pan out for you (Hosea 13:15)?
No matter how much our postulations and excuses, remember this: “Let whoever is wise understand these
things, and whoever is insightful recognize them. For the ways of the Lord are
right and the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumbles in them”
(Hosea 14: 9). The grace to continue to look at the perfect word of God and
humbly adjust our way of thought and living is released to us in Jesus Christ
name. God bless you.
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