There is a groaning around the world because of unrest, the rate of corruption and uncertainty that pervades the political, economic and social well-being of nations. With the high rate of intolerance, so many are questioning the foundation of their beliefs, values and allegiances. No matter how much of the questioning we do, the fault for all these debacles cannot be laid anywhere else than firmly at the feet of the people: Because leadership, policies, rules and regulations have not being able to change the attitudes of the majority of the people to aspire for a greater living devoid of religious intolerance, bickering and corruption. Despite how much technology is hyped, mankind is still searching for leaders that will truly lead them by example so they could emulate. Where then is the hope of mankind? The only group of people that can provide such leadership example is the Church of Christ, the Body of the Living God! There is a grace upon t...
A Ministry geared towards bringing the Word of God to the world!