There’s been a lot of debate and argument on the issue of God speaking in our present dispensation. Some argue that man’s sin is so great that it had pushed man farther away from God; hence they can’t hear when He speaks. Others declare we have been given wisdom to judge what is right, and when we do right that must be God! With all these goings-on, if one is not sure-footed, one can be swept away with the deceit. A fact however, must be established here, it is very important for man, male and female, to hear God for themselves in order to obey God accurately. It simply will not do if our hearing is based on what others heard because our eternal life (a life after this present one) is dependent on how well we listened. The Bible states clearly: “And if the Spirit of Him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you” (Romans 8:11, AMP). So many interpret this to only mean if one has the Holy Spirit all things will be restored (physically, spiritually, health and economically). However, there is a process to the blessing therein to be unlocked. When this process is not understood, it gives rise to all kinds of evil behaviors in ‘Spirit-filled’ believers. To better understand the above Scripture, Jesus Himself elaborated when He said “I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the person whose ears are open to My words [who listens to My message] and believes and trusts in and clings to and relies on Him Who sent Me has (possess now) eternal life…Believe Me when I assure you, most solemnly I tell you the time is coming and is here now when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear it shall live” (John 5:24-25). It then follows that for Romans 8:11 to be truly effective in our lives, our ears must be wide open to hear (thoroughly listen) to the word of God. If Lazarus had not listened to God’s voice he would have remained in the tomb, dead (John 11:43).
Every word must be obeyed no matter what; then and only then can our mortal bodies be rejuvenated and we will have life here and hereafter. The reason so many believers are still carrying attitudes and characters that are not of God is because they are yet to actively listen to God’s word that leads to obedience. Friend, how can one obey a message he has not heard; and how can one believe a message when one was not listening? The Bible tells us that the dead (those who listened) heard the voice of Jesus Christ and came to life. Those that were ‘living’ did not listen so they didn’t believe in nor obey Him (John 8:43). However, those that are dead in their sins, when they actively listen and believe the message they have heard, they will come to life. Friends, as sons of God that heard (actively listened) believed and obeyed His word, the Bible says about us: “we were once dead in our sins but by His grace, He made us alive and seated us with Him in the Heavens in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:1-10). What an awesome thought! It then follows that to have this life; one cannot walk according to the precepts of this world by carrying out the desires of their flesh; but wholly living for Him by listening in order to accurately obey every word that proceeds from His mouth. After all, not listening will result in half-hearted obedience which is disobedience. The grace to listen and accurately obey His word is released to you in Jesus Christ name. God bless you.
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