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       As children of God, we have not been made so, so we could live as we please. The mantra that you are free to make it at all costs no matter what (then the funny caveat at the end) as long as it pleases God, has taken over most of the Body of Christ. Many congregants are taught many principles for the 'successful' quest for success and wealth! Principles of God are manipulated to combine the principles of the world and flesh: A quest for wealth and Pleasure! They sound so good that many gobbled down these principles and are now running with them.        This was the same scenario that played out during the time of Noah, just before the flood! Many today have lost their way; the line between the godly and ungodly is getting blurrier by the day: "The [population of the] earth was corrupt [absolutely depraved—spiritually and morally putrid] in God’s sight, and the land was filled with violence [desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and l...

Stand Up To Be Counted: A Day Of Reckoning Is Coming

       When we read the accounts of the flood and certain Scriptures in the Bible, it is like reading a first-hand report of the happenings of our present dispensation. Knowing the consequences of the actions of those we read about, calls for caution on how we conduct ourselves in this dispensation as sons/servants of God!         When you consider the moves of the enemy, it is noticeable that the enemy has stepped up his urgency to throw the world and its people into unprecedented depths of chaos and darkness. This is not surprising, because the Bible tells us that his time is short, and he knows it too! Sadly, this urgency is not been seen or felt by many in the Body of Christ! So many think there is time to live as they please, and when they see death close they will repent! One does not blame them, but blame those of us who have been tasked to prepare the people for the Return of our LORD Jesus Christ!         As ...

Stand Up To Be Counted - Part 1

       In a Bible Study Group, we were studying Luke 12:41-46. One of the participants remarked that the Scripture being shared should be for Pastors and people in authority in the Church. Some agreed with him because they believed they were not leaders, thus the Scripture didn't hit home for them!         Sadly, many within the Body of Christ believe that certain parts of the Scripture are for certain classes of people and not for everyone within the Body. This is quite a dangerous belief as many could rationalize their lifestyle and decisions based on the fact that they are not leaders, therefore, certain biblical conditions do not apply to them. This is not true!         The Bible calls Believers in Jesus Christ a 'Kingdom of Priests', 1 Peter 2:9-10, (MSG): "But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out f...

Hold On

       There is so much noise in the world and its systems that it seems to be drowning out the voice of reason, the voice of God! The things being pushed now by the mainstream media and their followers sound and look incredulous just a couple of years ago. Glaringly bad things are being reclothed and rebranded as good. And the world is getting away with it as well!         A couple of days ago, I was having a chat with a sister who was wondering if God still speaks amid this hellish noise from the world and its systems. Beloved, God is speaking and still is, but can you hear Him? In fact, for the spiritually discerning, the voice of the LORD is loud in these times for as many that would listen! Many believe He is no longer speaking because of the wickedness of the world. Others believe the voice of the world and its systems have drowned out His voice. Don't be deceived, God is still speaking! He is giving instructions to as many of His that ...

Our Daily Quest!

       This generation has so much knowledge compared to previous generations, and so it will increase until Jesus returns. It is to be expected, especially with the rise in technological advancements. As children of God, the same can be said for us as well. There is so much knowledge in the Body of Christ now than in previous times and dispensations. This had made some within the Body claim more knowledge than someone like Apostle Paul. Some even go as far as claiming to be gods because of the amount of knowledge they have! This calls for caution.         The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:18 NKJV, "For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." This tells us that as we grow in knowledge, we become acutely aware of how much our ignorance costs, and this thought in itself causes us grief. This does not mean we should not chase after increasing knowledge, as children of God we are encouraged to deepen our kno...

Still On Being Born Again

       Asking a sister in Christ what had changed since she became 'born again' a couple of years ago, she replied, that she has peace and a confidence she never knew before. That is an amazing testimony! But, how has her lifestyle changed? To that, she said 'Not much', as she believes the death of Christ on the Cross absolves her of any past or future guilt. Therefore, she believes, she can continue to live her life as before since she is not hurting anyone!         Many, sadly, within the Body of Christ believe they can live as they please as long as they are not hurting anyone, they are clear and on their way to Heaven. These lose sight of the fact that coming to Jesus Christ is not meant to be business as usual but a complete turnaround from who they were. We indeed are to come to Christ as we are, but we are not expected to remain as we were!         Beloved, the nature we carried before coming to the Lord Jesus ...


       There is a curious passage in Acts of the Apostles chapter 16. Let's explore this a bit, in light of the happenings around us as we await the Return of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ! "It happened that as we were on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave-girl who had a spirit of divination [that is, a demonic spirit claiming to foretell the future and discover hidden knowledge], and she brought her owners a good profit by fortune-telling" (Acts 16:16, AMP). There is a terrible hunger now in the Body of Christ to know what the future holds, search for mysteries, and increase personal bank accounts! Many conferences are organised with these three case points, under the guise of doing it for the Lord!         These are the days that call for discernment on our part so as not to get hooked by the ' high-sounding nonsense' that is being peddled around as God's Word! This slave girl kept following Paul and Silas everywher...

Whose Team Are You On?

      Beloved, we indeed live in times the Bible calls 'dangerous'! These are days we must seek to know the LORD for ourselves as there are many teachers 'hell-bent' on hoodwinking the ignorant, unsuspecting, and careless people to become their disciples. These are days when evil is celebrated as good and darkness is praised as 'illuminating light'!        As children of God, these are the days we must rise from the position of just believing in Him to being His Disciples! As a disciple, you sit at His feet daily to be taught of Him. Only disciples that have sat at His feet, learning of Him can be like Him! The Bible tells us (Matthew 4: 23-25) that Jesus ministered from place to place throughout Galilee: Preaching and healing every kind of sickness and disease. As a result, He had massive crowds from across the land of Judah and beyond 'following' Him! If it were our present time, and we were in His shoes, we would have been celebrating the awesomenes...

His Coming Is SURE!

       As days progress, there are so many in the Body of Christ that believe the Coming of Christ to take the Saints will not happen soon, in fact, they believe it will not happen in this century. They erroneously believe that despite Apostles Paul and Peter's writings about it, it never happened and it will not happen for many centuries to come. Sadly, many have bought into this teaching and believe it is time to let down their guards and live as they desire or wish to.        The 3rd chapter of 2Peter dealt extensively with this dangerous and erroneous thought! Many in the days of the Apostles jeered and mocked at the teaching of His Return: "First of all, know [without any doubt] that mockers will come in the last days with their mocking, following after their own human desires and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming [what has become of it]? For ever since the fathers fell asleep [in death], all things have continued [exactly] as they ...

Beware Of The Choice Table

       The book of Daniel opens with the account of God handing over the king of Judah, her people, and her treasures to the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. Those first two verses in the first chapter of Daniel were quite frightening; imagine being handed over to your enemy to be enslaved and or probably killed. Why would God do this to His beloved people? 'Where is His mercy', many cry out today when they read these and many more Scriptures like that. Why would God send His people into slavery and suffering, many yell today, especially in the face of current happenings around the world or in their personal lives.         Those that say such are yet to understand the extent of His mercy and love. In His mercy, He gives His people a chance to repent and return to Him because He is holy; and those that must worship Him must do so in holiness. In His love, to experience that life outside of Him is empty and filled with darkness devoid of any fo...

Be Mindful Of What You Sow

      After the Flood in Genesis, God declared, “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22, NKJV). This declaration is beyond the sowing of monetary gifts to reap a plentiful harvest! This was a warning and a promise for the living to be mindful of what they sowed. Take a look around the world, people and nations are sowing seeds; if they know what the outcome of the seeds they are sowing presently will be in a couple of years, they will be very mindful of their sowing: "God will never be mocked! For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest"  (Galatians 6:7, TPT). You cannot sow wickedness, lies, subterfuge, and evil in lives and hope to reap loyalty, trust, and kindness from them!        Daily, as an individual or as a society, you are either sowing or harvesting that which had been sown. What God said in Genesis 8:22 is a constant, and will o...

How Dressed And Ready Are You?

       Every day in this part of the world, it has become a norm to wake up daily to stories of killings, kidnappings, corruption, and the like. This evil has slowly become a norm such that people are no longer shocked to hear about the senseless killings and wanton destruction of lives and property. As a result of this unpleasantness, and the imminent threat to break down of law and order, we see the police and the army always dressed as if they are in a battle or about entering into one. They certainly cannot wait until the crisis is upon them before they go get dressed in the proper gear. There is a message in this for us as sons of God, if we would be like the sons of Issachar, to discern the times.         The Bible already warned us that the last days, which we are currently in, will be filled with violence and will be difficult: "But understand this, that in the last days, dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [diffic...

Wisdom...Seeking The Right Way With God

       If you live in the big cities, you see people rushing to and from somewhere. There is always an urgency in the air to want to do things quickly. It is alright because it is the time that we are in: The return of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent! And the hours of the day are increasingly getting shorter to attain what we set out to do each day. As a result, many set out for ways or paths to get the result they desire faster. In the process, many get hurt.         As the world hurtles towards the end, if one desires to live well in this world according to the dictates of God, one must have wisdom: "Wisdom will extend your life, making every year more fruitful than the one before" (Proverbs 9:11 TPT). This Wisdom is not craftiness or sharpness. All these qualities describe another kind of wisdom, which the Bible describes as the wisdom of the world: "Such wisdom does not come from above but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. Fo...

Stay Focused On Him No Matter What

        "But understand this, that in the last days, dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane" (2 Timothy 3:1-2, AMP). There is turmoil all over the lands, wars everywhere, and rumors of war in the air in diverse places. People that once lived in peace suddenly cannot trust each other; suspicion, betrayal, and hatred litter the landscape. All these happenings are all signs of the end time, we know, but how prepared for the End are we?         Many children of God believe they do not have to think of the End because the world will endure for many generations, after all 'it is a world without end'! The reality is one day, we will stand before the Judge of the whole earth and give an accounting of how we...

On Prayer

       Have you ever felt you are not praying enough on your own, especially after going through the prayer points in less than ten minutes? Do you wonder if you are praying enough especially in light of teachings that one must cultivate the habit of praying at least an hour a day? A young man was discussing this dilemma with me; he couldn't see himself praying beyond ten minutes; he felt he had run out of anything to say. Even when he switches to tongues, after a while, he feels a dulling of his senses! He felt something was wrong with him as he is sure he will end up in hell. I told him he may have misunderstood the message that was being passed on in line with the Scriptures. Because it is not the length of the prayer but the weight of it that is important to God!         We are called to pray ceaselessly. Meaning to live a life of Prayer because prayer prepares us for what God has prepared for us. A prayerful person is not necessarily pra...

A River Must Not Forget Its Source

       Two friends walking along the road discussing the river in their community drying up. They noticed the water level is decreasing daily at an alarming rate. This river is central to the survival of the community; their daily activities and their livelihood are dependent on the river. They were wondering what will become of the community once the water dries up. They may have to move away from the land, thereby losing their ancestral lands, or remain and suffer hunger and untold hardship, they thought. It was a sad and frustrating discussion between them.         Naturally, a river empties into a larger body of water, but it always has a source. When the river is cut off from its source for whatever reason, it begins to dry up because it continues to empty into the larger body of water without being replenished! Sadly, this scenario spiritually is playing out in the lives of many in the Body of Christ as we see the Soon Return of our Lor...

Those Last Few Minutes...

       A group of 6 friends was discussing what goes through the mind of a person a few minutes before their death. Two of them felt the highlights of the life of the person will flash through his mind before he bows out in death. One felt such a person will go to purgatory where such can repent of his sins and believe God to go to Heaven. The others believe nothing will happen as the person will just fade out and be one with the universe. According to the first two, if the memories are good then such will end in heaven as they will die happy, but if bad, they will end in hell so they die sad and terrified. Some felt this was wrong as man is dust and he will return to dust - a state of 'nothingness'.         They  all agreed and felt they should enjoy life as much as possible, on their terms and not on someone else's. They reminded themselves of the following Scripture so they can be strengthened in their sinful lives: "Both go to the sa...