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       Have you noticed that there is a gradual shift of definitions, such that things that had negative connotations are defined positively? Thus, the hearts of many are questioning things that are seen as good and things that are seen as bad. However, holding on to what is good may elicit comments from one’s opponent as being intolerant and an extremist. This should not strike us as strange, the Bible told us that in the last days (which we are in now), such will be possible. People will no longer love what is good (2 Timothy 3:3b) but as is seen now, actively pursue and propagate that which is clearly ‘not good’, re-package it and present it as good. One in particular that we must be mindful of is idolatry. We know as children of God, that our God is jealous and will not share His glory with another. For that reason He abhors idolatry! Unfortunately, idolatry has become the order of the day in the Body and except one is discerning, it is a sin one can easily fall into now. You might argue that you worship the one true God and you have not raised another in His place. Great, but please let’s consider the following and then reassess ourselves again if we are truly worshiping the One True God – Jesus Christ. Idol worshiping now is not in the making of figurines and symbols for worshiping. But messages and charismatic leaders in the Body have being raised to such dizzying heights that it is difficult to see the Almighty anymore. Some of these charismatic leaders and ministers have taken it upon themselves to lay emphasis on certain aspects of the Scriptures to the detriment of others. Their teachings have continually elicited emotional responses that turn their congregations’ attention and hearts to them rather than to the true worship of God. Messages are preached that turn God into a ‘buddy buddy’ that is just there to OK their every desire; thus robbing the congregation of the true fear of God. Messages that should teach the congregation true dependency upon the power of the Holy Spirit, now teaches the people personal entitlement and empowerment. In true worship of God, the Bible teaches us that God’s word is the standard in decision making, but now, in most congregations, the ministers’ ideas, positions of worldly celebrities are preached from the pulpits as the position of God! Celebrities are courted regularly but are shielded from the true gospel of Christ. They are presented with a counterfeit gospel that gives them the impression that Jesus Christ is just ‘glad’ to have a little of their time and they are at liberty to live as they like despite professing to be ‘born again’.  
        If I may ask you, your convictions on certain issues that pertain to your life where did you get them from? For instance, the idea of positioning yourself to attract the male or female of your choice in church or your place of work or school, where did you learn that from? Your idea of getting ahead in your entire endeavor using any means possible, whose idea was that? Or you that prayed and fasted for a husband, after marriage refused to take his name because you do not want to lose your identity, where did you learn that? Friend, so many have taken the patience of God for weakness and as a result, they neither fear Him nor acknowledge Him in their dealings: “And of whom have you been afraid or feared, that you have lied and not remembered Me nor taken it to your heart? Is it not because I have held My peace from of old that you do not fear Me?” (Isaiah 57:11). It is time to do a soul search of who exactly is our fear that we are obeying. We have to return back to the Scriptures like the Berean Christians to test and validate all we have been taught and heard through the word of God: “The people of Berea were more open-minded than the people of Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive God’s message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11 - GWT). God bless you as you truly prepare your hearts and minds by getting rid of the clutter of men.


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