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Blessing Or Habitation?

      If there is one Scripture that has caused so many wonderful sons of God to stumble in our time it will be “therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord; do not touch any unclean thing and I will welcome you” (2Corinthians 6:17). So many find it hard to reconcile this Scripture with us loving our neighbor as children of God; they equate loving their neighbor to mean condoning and tolerating the evil perpetrated by their neighbor. Such are unable to walk in the Truth and are quick to betray the Lord once their well-being is threatened. These, water down the Scriptures by the way they live or masked who they are in Christ Jesus in order not to offend their ‘neighbor’. They feel because they are being blessed by the Lord, He approves of them. God's desire is not only to bless us but to inhabit us so we would look like Him. Sadly, the people desire blessing rather than God inhabiting them. No wonder the land is in dire need of a revival because ev...

How Is Your Scent?

      “But thanks be to God, who always puts us on a display in Christ, and spreads through us in every place the scent of knowing Him. For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To some we are a scent of death leading to death, but to others a scent of life leading to life. And who is competent for this” (2Corinthians 2:14-16)? Praise God, our competence is not of ourselves but in Christ Jesus! Beloved, on a daily basis, we are put on display for the whole world, to show the world what it means to serve the one and only Jesus Christ. One place that had truly showcased this scent is the social media. Unfortunately this platform has equally proven that so many carry a contrary scent, since their scent is repelling people from coming to the Lord because of the conflicting smells emanating from them. They forgot the mandate: “No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building ...

Someone Is Listening…The Ball Is In Your Court

      One would think that as technology improves the lives of the people around the world, the people themselves will be more caring and loving towards one another. On the contrary, people are more uncaring and calculating in their disdain for their fellow humans. Terrorism, domestic violence, wanton killings and hurting of people are at an all time high across the globe. People care more for their pets and other animals than they do for humans like them. In Christendom, the desire to get ahead in life has turned so many to competitive monsters in their homes, offices and their environment. Attitudes and characters that should not be heard or spoken of are common place amongst children of God. This in itself is a pointer that Jesus Christ is truly on His way back: “Sin will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12, NLT). Jesus Christ left a mandate for us His disciples and those who believe in Him as a guide for our dealings with one ano...

Don’t Reject Jesus Christ Because Of The Failings Of People

      Having a conversation with a brother the other day concerning the goings on in Christendom set me thinking. I came to the fearful conclusion (because I have had several conversations on same subject with many others) that so many do not really know the God of the Bible they claim to serve. Fearfully and humbly, I am of the opinion that all of Creation, especially the Body of Christ will be in great shock when the Lord Jesus Christ returns because so many things that have been allowed and taken for granted may not really be His will after all. In wanting to have a convenient relationship ‘with benefits’ with God Almighty through Jesus Christ, so many have opened their hearts to destructive and delusional teachings that negate the truth of God even when such ‘truth’ is glaringly filled with holes for them to see: “For God’s wrath is revealed from Heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since w...

Get Your Senses Trained!

      If there was ever a time that sons of God needed to get their senses trained in the things of God, it will be these times as the very truth of God’s Word is being questioned even by those that ought to know. Beloved, this issue is not about your calling or how long you have been in God’s service, but how well your stand is in Him. As the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ draws ever nearer, the enemy had stepped up his activities by denouncing the truth of God’s Word; and this he does on a daily basis. The sad part of this is that he has employed the services of some sons of God to discredit and ridicule the Word of God. So many are unable to contend or stand in the faith they claim to have because of pecuniary gains or they don’t even know the truth they claim to profess! This is not new; at a point in time, Apostle Paul was equally exasperated with the behavior of the Galatian disciples because of their swing in faith and he said by the Holy Spirit “You foolish Gala...

Before You Take That Decision

      I am sure there are some do-overs of past decisions, choices and actions that we would love to do so as not to go through the pain, disappointment and heartbreaks we may currently be experiencing. These things are in the past and God is able to forgive us and deliver us from the repercussions of our past choices if we sincerely ask Him with a repentant heart. Unfortunately, as some would say, ‘life happens’, and, despite knowing the heart of God concerning certain issues, we go ahead and do them anyway. Beloved as we see The Day draw ever closer, it is unwise to live your life in this manner as the repercussions are not bearable. You may argue that it is good to make mistakes, and we should not be afraid of making them as it helps us to grow. This teaching is worldly and it negates the Word of God that says: “All those led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons” (Romans 8:14). This means we can actually live a life devoid of making mistakes. Now understand this: What peop...

For The Voracious Eater

       Someone remarked the other day that he was so hungry that he would eat anything that was placed before him. This statement, which we make often as humans when we get to that point of hunger reminded me of Daniel and his friends when they were captured and taken to king Nebuchadnezzar’s palace in Babylon (Daniel 1). Like all other young nobles that were captured with them, they were offered choice meals from the king’s table. Let’s consider the conditions they were in. These young noble men like the other captives were captured from their homes and traveled several kilometers in presumably several days or weeks, put in slave camps, prisons or dungeons, starving. Later, the guards, on the orders of the king came and selected the nobles, fittest and finest amongst them. These were then brought to the palace and a table filled with assorted choice foods was set before them. If you were in their shoes, having gone hungry for a very long time, what would be your re...

Those Cheat Days

      After strenuous exercises in the gym for a couple of months, with no significant reduction in weight to show for it, a friend humorously remarked: ‘mehn…something is grossly wrong with our diet’. He was making allusions to the cheat days we indulge in once a week to eat the things we are not supposed to eat if we truly intend to keep the weight off. We all laughed nervously as we all knew he was not only right, but if we truly need to see a change in our weights, we would really need to stop the ‘cheat days’. The reality of this conversation is that you can’t truly eat your cake and still want to keep it. We understood that, for there to be a significant show in weight loss, the exercises must be combined with a disciplined diet. The same goes for our spiritual lives! We do so much in service to the Lord but our lives show little or no significant growth in our spiritual lives. So many attend choir practices, prayer meetings, bible studies and many more programs bu...

Keeping Pure

       “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your word…” (Psalm 119:9). Listening to the political, social and economic rhetoric coming from around the world, it can be quite discouraging as it seems on a daily basis things are getting worse and those that are in position to do something about them seem to be at a loss as to what to do. On the other hand the human mind is getting depraved and is urged on by ungodly policies and the media. As the world draws to a close (don’t be deceived, it is), being a Christian and serving God in Spirit and in truth is increasingly difficult because evil is multiplying. As a result of this debacle evil is openly celebrated as good and good as evil. Furthermore, with the advancement in technology in the sphere of social media, entertainment and advertisements, the enemy is using these outlets to subtly capture as many minds as he can. Terrible suggestions from hell are made daily on these platforms and so many are hyp...

Rest For Your Soul

       The Creator of the Heavens and the earth understands the burdens that we carry. The fact that you grumble, whine, pray, fast and it seems nothing is happening to the size of those burdens does not mean He is not aware of them. If you are in such situation beloved, trust Him and drop them at His feet without cost or any hidden charge! These burdens may either be legitimate or illegitimate, however, in all of these, He does not judge us, rather He tells us to “Come” to Him with them and surrender them at His feet: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). This rest invitation does not carry conditions except to believe Him and surrender the burdens, and He promises to grant rest to those that will obey. So many have come and are coming to the Master Jesus Christ with their burdens and He gives them rest in exchange for their burdens. But this is not where the story should end for these ones. Jesus Christ did...

Watch What You Sow

      “Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Can affliction or anguish or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” (Romans 8:35). I met a young couple the other day and they were lamenting about the toll the economic recession was having on them and their young family. They said they were increasingly finding it difficult to make ends meet despite holding down two jobs. They were equally getting disillusioned with their Church activities especially in areas of ‘voluntary giving’. According to them, the Church expects their giving to increase even when their incomes have dwindled and the needs of their young family growing. They reiterated that they believe God but they can’t help but ‘see’ the helpless situation they were in. This couple erroneously tied their financial breakthroughs to their service to God; believing that since their finances had dwindled, they cannot serve God as much as they used to anymore. This unfortunate stance of theirs had...

Take Heed To Thyself

      “Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk – not as unwise people but as wise – making the most of the time because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16). When one listens to some of the messages coming out of most pulpits, one wonders if the Ministers are aware that the Jesus Christ they are talking about is indeed coming back as King, Conqueror and Judge. The messages have a way of lulling the unsuspecting dreamers to believe that they can do anything without consequence and equally have the best the world system has to offer. Seriously, when last was your attention drawn to where you will spend eternity? When last did you hear a sermon that encourages you to live your life on a daily basis with eternity in view? On a daily basis sin is being looked at as an inconsequential thing, and the repercussions of sin as a figment of an extremist’s imagination. These may sound incredulous. But friend, when last did you sit down on your own like the Berean Christian a...

Entitlement Believers

       We live in a time where visuals are used to prove or explain a thing. In fact, if one is proficient in the art of visualizing the concepts one is trying to sell across, there is the high probability that your audience will most likely believe you because they can ‘see’ what you are saying. Because of this wind, so many believers are beginning to think they are entitled to ‘see’ the acts of God first in order to believe Him. Now, as good as this may sound, it negates the whole essence of faith. To such, the definition of faith is ancient because we live in a savvy and technological advanced time than when the Bible was written. Without knowing, they advance the erroneous teaching of entitlement. A teaching that says as children of God they are entitled to everything they want or desire! This is true, but when it is not mixed with humility, obedience to God’s Word, it produces spiritual arrogance with the end result of making the people dependent on the hand of...

God’s Principle And Not Man’s Experience

       Humans go through experiences that shape how they relate with each other and their environment. Some of these experiences may not necessarily be the true picture of events that occurred, but they have erroneously colored the person’s view of such future occurrences. For instance, in some families in this hemisphere, there is a belief that people from certain tribe and culture are predisposed to certain attitudes and behaviors; for that reason they should not be trusted. If one should investigate where this belief originated from, one would find that certain member(s) of, say, tribe A had a fall out with the offending tribe B and they concluded based on this nasty experience that every member of tribe B should not and cannot be trusted. This erroneous attitude of allowing one’s experience shape what they believe in has wormed itself into the Body of Christ. As a result, denominations and factions have been formed out of people’s experiences. People forget that...

What If It Is Not As We Imagined?

      “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men…” (2Corinthians 5:9-11a). What if at the end of time we find out that the way we have been doing things that we thought was right is actually deadly wrong? What if we find out that our display of intellect and prowess were just fleshy displays as they do not glorify God as we imagined since the Bible says: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1Corinthians 10:31)?       Someone said lately that Time is a scarce commodity and must be used well. This statement is true. But when time management has been brought into our worship services, such that most services have become motors run on time sched...

Not Just Believing But Becoming

       You hear so many claim they believe in God, the one true God. Yet the lives they live negate the principles of the ‘one true God’ they claim to believe in.  The funny aspect of this is that these ones are very vocal about the darkness that has engulfed the whole earth! What exactly then is the ‘believe’ they claim to have and what does it entail if they don’t live the lives that their ‘believe’ entails? It may be their ‘believe’ makes them humane and gives them a sense of belonging. There are so many that claim to believe in God; they believe He created them, they believe He exists; they equally believe that He would one day judge the earth. These, believe that since they believe in God, they are automatically His children and are followers of Jesus Christ. After all, they reason, only God sees the heart, even if their physical acts negate His principles, their hearts still love Him! What a terrible delusion! Let’s take a look at this ‘believe’ again!...

A True Friend

       “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” (Proverbs 17:17). A young friend once remarked to me that something must be wrong with her as she is unable to attract the right friends.  Despite the fact that she is a child of God, her friends though claim to be children of God are hell bent on walking on another path which is not the Lord’s. According to her, the hypocrisy is so much that she believes there is no difference between their behavior and that of an unbeliever. She posited that she would rather have unbelieving friends than have the ones that are in the choir one minute and are in the clubs the next! One would think it only pertains to the young; that’s not true. You may not be going through this dilemma (Praise God for you!), but I can assure you that so many are! The dangers of having bad friends is that they can influence you and drag you away from the right path, but good ones will encourage and cheer you on the path ...

It Is Not A Denomination Thing, It Is All About Christ!

       A wonderful brother didn’t get an advertised job because he didn’t belong to the denomination of the owners of the organization despite the fact that he was well qualified for the job. Does this sound familiar? So many have lost relationships, promotions, businesses, contracts, help because they do not belong to the denomination or Church of those calling the shots. This has weakened and continues to weaken us as the Body of Christ. Our efficacy as the Body of Christ is not based on our individual independence but how we bring our uniqueness into unison to advance the purpose and intentions of God: “I am in them and You are in Me. May they be made completely one, so the world may know You have sent Me and have loved Me and have loved them as You have loved Me” (John 17:23), and “So if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26).        A child of G...

What Is The Root…?

      Talking with a friend a few days ago concerning some doctrines in the Body of Christ, revealed the importance of daily studying the Scriptures as a child of God so as not to be held captive by the philosophies of men disguised as revelations from God. There are so many doctrines and these in turn color the way so many serve God. Our discussion centered on some traditions of the Church that had roots in the world system in order to win more souls for the Kingdom of God. She argued that since these traditions are now in the Church, despite the fact that they have now been exposed as having roots in the dark world system, she believes they serve as great opportunities and tools to win many to the Lord! The question that jumped out of my lips was, ‘has God lost the strategy to people His Kingdom that He needs us to borrow traditions from the dark evil world systems?’ Let us see how this idea turned out in the Scriptures: Uzzah tried to steady the Ark of God when the ox...

How Far Can Your Light Go?

      With the rapid growth of technology and ‘chameleonic’ teaching of God’s word, it seems godlessness is slowly taking over the hearts of children of God. Things that ought to make us ashamed are explained away using the very same Scriptures that condemn such acts. If we claim that because of political correctness there is nothing much we can do to stem the tide of evil in the work space (this is still not an excuse), what about our ‘own space’? The space that we have in our homes, the Church, the community and even on the internet, how have we utilized our space? As children of God, we have a mandate to shine our light so that people will see and give glory to God in Heaven (Matthew 5:16). No one is arguing that you have the light or not. As a child of God, it is presumed that you carry the light of God; beloved, the question is, how far can your light go? Jesus told us that we are the light of the world: we shouldn’t hide our light nor allow it to be put out. We are...

Bow Face Down

       To say the times are hard is an understatement; so many have lost jobs, businesses, homes, relationships, reputation and the likes. As a result of these losses, some children of God are questioning God’s love for them: If truly this way is the right way and the only way for them. Some even believe it is the will of God for them to remain in their dire straits as they believe they have tried everything to come out of their situation and nothing seem to be working. To such, their service to God is just mere lip service as their hearts have left the faith. If you are in such a situation, I am here to tell you that Jesus Christ is truly the ONLY WAY and the RIGHT one at that. It doesn’t matter what you see, if you come to Him on His terms, not yours, He is ABLE and WILLING to deliver you from whatever is holding you bound. This is not strange or peculiar to our time.         In Luke 5:12-14, we see an account of a man that had a skin di...